March 7, 2014 archive
Mar 07
TDYR #121 – Of “Lifts”, Meeting Neville Hobson And Teleprompter iPad Apps
Mar 07
Deploy360@IETF89, Day 5: dnsop, uta
It’s our last day here at the 89th IETF meeting and it’s been a very exhausting but exhilirating meeting so far! A lot of excellent work happening in so many areas! Our final day here ends with a number of DNSSEC-related topics being presented in the DNSOP Working Group – while at the exact same time is the first meeting of the brand new UTA Working Goup that is part of the inspiration for our new TLS for Applications area of Deploy360.
After that, there is an afternoon meeting of the Internet Society Advisory Council which a few of us will attend… and then we’ll be heading back home! Thanks for all the many people who have come up to us and told us about how they appreciate our work – that kind of feedback means a lot and is greatly appreciated!
If you do want to meet with us in these few remaining hours of IETF 89, either find us at one of these sessions or send us email to
Thanks, again, for all the great feedback!
Friday, March 7, 2014
dnsop (DNS Operations) WG
0900-1130 UTC, Sovereign Room
uta (Using TLS in Applications) WG
0900-1130 UTC, Richmond/Chelsea/Tower Rooms
Remote Participation
You don’t have to be in London to participate in the meetings of IETF 89. You can also:
- Listen to live audio streams.
- Participate in Jabber chat rooms to ask questions.
- Download the slides planned for each session.
- Listen and watch “Meetecho” conferencing sessions that provide an integrated view of slides, audio, chat and video.
Information about how to participate can be found on the IETF 89 Remote Participation page. Keep in mind that times for London are in UTC.