The IPv6 Kongress 2013 is scheduled for June 6 and 7 in Frankfurt, Germany, and the program committee there has issued a call for papers seeking presenters on IPv6 topics. Some of the session topics they are seeking include:
- IPv6 und Smartphones respektive Tablets
- IPv6-spezifische Sicherheitsprobleme
- Einführungsverfahren in Firmennetzen
- Privacy und Datenschutz
- Praxisrelevante Unterschiede zwischen altem und neuem Protokoll
- IPv6 in Embedded Systems
- IPv6-Goodies – was uns ohne IPv6 bislang alles entgangen ist …
Obviously, the conference is in German… although “IPv6-Goodies” is probably understandable in any language!
The deadline to submit a proposal is January 20, 2013. More info on the call for papers page.