December 10, 2012 archive

ION Conference At USENIX LISA This Week Features IPv6 and DNSSEC Sessions – Will Be Livestreamed (Featured Blog)

If any of you are attending the USENIX Large Installation System Administration (LISA) conference in San Diego this week, the Internet Society's "Internet ON" (ION) Conference is co-located with LISA12 and will take place tomorrow, December 11, 2012, from 1:30 - 5:00 pm US Pacific time. More...

ION Conference At USENIX LISA This Week Features IPv6 and DNSSEC Sessions – Will Be Livestreamed (Featured Blog)


FIR #681 – 12/10/12 – For Immediate Release

Craig Silverman interview is up, interview coming with Ekaterina Walter; Quick News: Microsoft opens SOCL, PeopleBrowsr battles Twitter, find out if your workforce is happy, GE values Internet of Things at trillions; Ragan promo; News That Fits: IABC misfires on staff layoff communication, Michael Netzley's Asia report, Media Monitoring Minute, research offers insights into FTSE100 social media use, listener comments, Dan York's report, TemboSocial promo, LeWeb Paris report; how to comment; music from Jason Harrod; and more.