IAB Warns That Internet Standards Will No Longer Be Based on IPv4, only IPv6

Internet architecture boardThis month the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) provided another reason for organizations to think more about migrating their applications and services to IPv6. In a strong statement, the IAB warned other standards development organizations (SDOs) that future standards from the Internet Engineering …

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Rough Guide to IETF 97: DNSSEC, DANE and DNS Privacy and Security

DNS privacy will get a good bit of focus at the IETF 97 meeting in Seoul with a special tutorial as well as a meeting of the DPRIVE working group and activity in the IETF 97 Hackathon. DNS privacy will also come up in the DNSSD group this time, too. The DNS Operations working group will meeting and a new DNS BOF will take place. In contrast to the past few meetings, the Using TLS in Applications (UTA) working group where DANE has been discussed will not meet as their work is moving along on the mailing lists. SImilarly, the DANE working group felt that work was moving along and no physical meeting was needed.

Dan York

IAB Warns That All Networking Standards Need To Fully Support IPv6

This week the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) issued a strong statement warning that any networking standards developed by Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) need to fully support IPv6. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is of course the major SDO developing networking standards for the Internet, but many other standards organizations base their standards on IETF standards.  For instance, any Read more…

The Blue Behind The Keys

Sometimes the color is in the background…

When This Is All Over…

… we will be a nation with a massive divide, no matter who wins. A nation with a huge difference between the rural and the urban… between those who have done well in the new economy… and those who have been left behind. No matter who wins, our next task as a nation will be to figure out how to rebuild the connections between us. Can we perhaps start by being more civil to each other? To respecting our differences? Can each of us try to treat others more kindly? I’d like to think so… but I’m not so sure….

Blue and wires…

In Geneva, this was just a photo I enjoyed of the many different shades of blue that you can find in a city scape.  And I enjoyed the pattern of the wires.  (And I like the sign that looks like … Continue reading

For Immediate Release #60: One Day More

On the eve of the election, Deirdre Breakenridge, Irene Koehler and Donna Papacosta joined the FIR panel to talk about the election’s impact on PR, marketing, and social media, along with a number of other topics, including how Facebook has launched a massive global ad campaign to attract more users to Facebook Live — with all video shot on smartphones using Facebook Live; Kickstarter has introduced its own live video channel in an effort to give backers more confidence in the people behind projects. We also discussed the technologies PR agencies and practitioners are currently ignoring: Artificial Intelligence, chatbots, and data. And much, much more.
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Drone video of Monadnock Region shows why we love to live here

Do you want to understand why we love living in Keene, New Hampshire, and the surrounding "Monadnock Region"? This video taken from a drone shows the beauty of our area (and it also really makes me want to buy a drone with a video camera!) Kudos to the folks at the Monadnock Shopper News for creating this beautiful video. P.S. Our area is called the "Monadnock Region" because our tallest mountain is named Mount Monadnock.

A Crazy Day of Curling (Across Generations)

Today was a CRAZY day of curling! It began at 9:00am when our 7-year-old took to the ice at Petersham Curling Club (PCC) for her first day as a member of the "Little Rocks" youth program (ages 7-12). It ended with me going on the ice back at PCC at 8:15pm to play in the Mixed League (men and women) until after 10:00pm. In between those times, our 14-year-old daughter was up in the Toronto, Canada, area playing with her team against 15 other highly competitive Canadian and US teams. Her team had two games – 11:00am and 5:00pm -…

What would you like to see in a “State of DNSSEC Deployment 2016” report?

What information would you like to see in a “State of DNSSEC Deployment 2016” report?  We’ve begun work on such a report with the idea of capturing all the various DNSSEC statistics at a specific moment in time. Pulling them all together into one document – one place where we can see it all.  The Read more…