Next week in Copenhagen, Denmark, ICANN 58 will include some great technical info about DNSSEC and DANE happening in several sessions. Here is the plan… All times below are Central European Time (CET), which is UTC+1. DNSSEC For Everybody: A Beginner’s Guide – Sunday, 12 March On Sunday, March 12, 2017, we’ll have the “DNSSEC For Everybody: A Beginner’s Guide” session that Read more…
Mar 03
Comments? Internet Draft on DNSSEC Crypto Algorithm Agility
What are the challenges in deploying new cryptographic algorithms for DNSSEC? As we look to move to using new crypto algorithms such as ECDSA, what are the barriers to getting those new algorithms rolled out? And how can we overcome those barriers? A few of us wrote an Internet Draft on this topic: draft-york-dnsop-deploying-dnssec-crypto-algs and […]
The post Comments? Internet Draft on DNSSEC Crypto Algorithm Agility appeared first on Internet Society.
Mar 03
Comments? Internet Draft on DNSSEC Crypto Algorithm Agility
What are the challenges in deploying new cryptographic algorithms for DNSSEC? As we look to move to using new crypto algorithms such as ECDSA, what are the barriers to getting those new algorithms rolled out? And how can we overcome those barriers? A few of us wrote an Internet Draft on this topic: draft-york-dnsop-deploying-dnssec-crypto-algs and Read more…
Mar 02
TDYR 323 – My First Lyft Ride Was Awesome
I just used Lyft for the first time (an Uber competitor) and recorded my thoughts…
Feb 26
Watch Live Today! DNS Privacy Workshop Streaming from NDSS 2017
Want to learn the latest about DNS privacy? About the latest research and techniques to protect the confidentiality of your DNS info and queries? Starting at 8:55 am PST (UTC-8) today, there will be what looks to be an outstanding workshop on DNS Privacy streaming live out of the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) in […]
The post Watch Live Today! DNS Privacy Workshop Streaming from NDSS 2017 appeared first on Internet Society.
Feb 26
Watch Live Today! DNS Privacy Workshop Streaming from NDSS 2017
Want to learn the latest about DNS privacy? About the latest research and techniques to protect the confidentiality of your DNS info and queries? Starting at 8:55 am PST (UTC-8) today, there will be what looks to be an outstanding workshop on DNS Privacy streaming live out of the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) in Read more…
Feb 21
The Danger of Giving Up Social Media Passwords – So Many Other Services Are Connected
“What’s the harm in giving up my Twitter password?“, you might say, “all someone can do is see my direct messages and post a tweet from me, right?“
Think again. The reality today is that social media services are used for far more than just posting updates or photos of cats. They also act as “identity providers” allowing us to easily login to other sites and services.
We’ve all seen the “Login with Twitter” or “Continue with Facebook” buttons on various sites. Or for Google or LinkedIn. These offer a tremendous convenience. You can rapidly sign into sites without having to remember yet-another-password.
… if you give your passwords to your social media accounts to someone, they could potentially[1]:
Feb 20
The Danger of Giving Up Social Media Passwords – So Many Other Services Are Connected
“What’s the harm in giving up my Twitter password?“, you might say, “all someone can do is see my direct messages and post a tweet from me, right?“ Think again. The reality today is that social media services are used for far more than just posting updates or photos of cats. They also act as […]
The post The Danger of Giving Up Social Media Passwords – So Many Other Services Are Connected appeared first on Internet Society.
Feb 20
FIR #75: The Quality of Your Intent
Doug Haslam and Augie Ray join host Shel Holtz to discuss a decline in the effectiveness of loyalty/reward programs, challenges to influencer marketing in the wake of Disney and Google ending their relationship with PewDiePie after he posted videos containing anti-semitic content, whether Volkswagen’s prospects would have suffered if its crisis had been characterized a public health issue rather than an environmental issue, new examples of fake content of all kinds, and the gap between the need to put employees first — as voiced by Richard Edelman during the World Economic Forum — and how engaged employees feel in their organizations. Dan York reports on social media passwords.
Continue Reading →
The post FIR #75: The Quality of Your Intent appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.
Feb 15
CITO Olaf Kolkman Speaking at RSA 2017 about IoT Security with Bruce Schneier
Today at the RSA Conference 2017 in San Francisco, our Chief Internet Technology Officer Olaf Kolkman will be speaking as part of a panel on:
Internet of Insecurity: Can Industry Solve It or Is Regulation Required?
The abstract of the session is:Dan York