FIR #727 – 10/28/13 – For Immediate Release

FIR On Strategy 5 is up; listener survey early results; Neville saw Byan Person and missed Michael Netzley; upcoming Scoble-Israel appearances; Quick News: the role of news on Facebook, Ryanair looks serious about customer service, native advertising g…

TDYR #043 – IPv6: The Coolest Part Of My Switch To An iPhone On Verizon Wireless

I recently made the switch from AT&T to Verizon Wireless and in doing so the very first website I visited over Verizon’s LTE network was… 🙂

I was thrilled with the results and very happy to have a smartphone that works natively over IPv6. (For more on why this is important, see )

Watch LIVE at 1:00pm US EDT today – ICANN’s DNSSEC Key Signing Ceremony XV

In about 15 minutes, at 1:00pm US EDT, you can watch live as members of the DNS/DNSSSEC community engage in a “Key Signing Ceremony” that will result in the generation of new keys used for managing DNSSEC at the root of the Domain Name System (DNS).  The live stream will be at: The schedule, Read more…

4 NewgTLDs Launched Yesterday Marks Dawn of “DNSSEC From The Start” TLDs

Yesterday was a big day for the Domain Name System (DNS). After a long process, ICANN formally delegated the first four of the “new generic top-level domains (newgTLDs)”, marking the beginning of the largest expansion of the domain name space ever. In addition to the existing “generic TLDs” like .com, .org, .net, etc., and the Read more…

One Image Showing Why I’ll Stick With Spotify Premium Over Apple’s iTunes Radio

Working in a home office, I often like having music playing softly (or sometimes loudly!) in the background. In the interest of hearing more music than just what I have in my own collection, I’ve been trying various streaming services…

APNIC Offering DNSSEC Training In Dhaka, Bangladesh, on November 8, 2013

Are you interested in learning about DNSSEC and live near Dhaka, Bangladesh? (or can get there?) If so, the folks at APNIC are offering a day of DNS/DNSSEC trainingon November 8, 2013. From the abstract: This course will discuss the concept of DNS Security in detail, mechanisms to authenticate the communication between DNS Servers, mechanisms Read more…

Video/Slides: Mark Townsley On IPv6 In The Homenet (RIPE67)

How can we raise the bar in home networking? How can we make home network configuration simpler and easier? How can we more effectively route packets in a home network? How can we do this in an environment when the IPv4 address pool is declining? In this great presentation at RIPE67, Mark Townsley talks about Read more…

FIR #726 – 10/21/13 – For Immediate Release

FIR On Strategy 4 is up; FIR listener survey up through Wednesday; eighth GAP study open for input; Quick News: 40 percent of YouTube traffic now mobile, Twitter’s new DM option, FT employs more journalists than ever, Dreamhost publishes an annual prin…

TDYR #042 – On The Eve Of The Keene Pumpkin Festival 2013

TDYR #042 – On The Eve Of The Keene Pumpkin Festival 2013 by Dan York

Friday Fun: An IPv6 Pumpkin At Tomorrow’s Keene (NH) Pumpkin Festival

Tomorrow, somewhere among the 30,000+ pumpkins displayed at the Keene Pumpkin Festival 2013, will be this pumpkin stating proudly “IPv6″. Probably most people won’t have a clue… but it will be a fun little thing for the geeks and technology folks out there.  Living here in Keene, New Hampshire, as I do, you wind up Read more…