In the August installment of The Hobson & Holtz Report, Neville and Shel talked about these topics:
- The Society for New Communication Research has launched an initiative to assess options for the communications industry to address fake news.
- An Artificial Intelligence bot can detect plagiarism (85% of the time).
- Supporters of US President Donald Trump are amplifying their tweets through a little-known Twitter feature that lets you create and name a Direct Message group.
- And let’s talk about that twice-daily folder the president gets filled with only positive coverage about him.
- Agencies are cropping up that focus exclusively on Generation Z.
- The Westin hotel in Buffalo, NY, is putting an Amazon Echo in every room. As Alexa for a toothbrush (for example) and a robot named Chip will deliver it.
- Dan York talks about SoundCloud’s reprieve, the new Instagram feature that lets you add somebody else to your livestream (and how communicators might use it), the widespread availability of Facebook Video Covers, and Watch, Facebook’s move into video shows.
Connect with Neville at @jangles. Listen to his podcast, The Small Data Forum.
Links to the source material for this episode are on Contentle.
Special thanks to Jay Moonah for the opening and closing music.
About Neville Hobson:
Neville Hobson was co-host of The Hobson & Holtz Report for over 10 years. For over 15 years, Neville has been a voice of experience and influence when it comes to speaking about digital technologies, disruptive change in workplaces and marketplaces, relevant trends to pay close attention to, and what it all means for your business. His experiences embrace deep understanding and subject-matter expertise in contemporary business issues that include social, digital and cognitive technologies, connecting that with a career in traditional public relations, marketing communication, employee, compensation and benefits communication, and investor relations. Based in the Thames Valley some 30 miles west of London, Neville works either from his home office, or from a client’s location; or from wherever he has a good network connection.
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