June 22, 2015 archive

Watch Live TODAY – DNSSEC For Everybody: A Beginner’s Guide at ICANN53

ICANN 53 LogoIn about 35 minutes, at 17:00 Argentina time (UTC-3), we will be streaming live out of ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with the “DNSSEC For Everybody: A Beginner’s Guide” session.  You can watch and listen live at this link:


The session goes for 90 minutes today, roughly half of which is the actual program and the remainder is what usually turns into a live Q&A session.  We’ll have some introductory remarks that I’ll do, then we’ll have a skit that dramatizes DNS and DNSSEC interactions, then Russ Mundy will dive into a bit deeper detail about DNSSEC… and then we’ll go to Q&A.

Note that remote participants can ask questions through the Adobe Connect interface.

If you’d like a quick way to understand more about DNS and DNSSEC… join us!

It will be archived for later viewing, too, if you can’t watch it live.

P.S.  If you’d like to get started with DNSSEC, visit our Start Here page to begin!

The Hobson & Holtz Report #813: Periscope in PR, News, and Politics

Intro: Welcome to Higher Education host Kevin Anselmo, who takes over the co-hosting chair while Neville enjoys his month-long hiatus.

Quick News: FIFA’s communications director resigns as the crisis continues, Google will spotlight sites that load slowly in its mobile search results, UK campaign to raise awareness of the need for blood donations deletes blood types from signs and storefronts, Australia’s Sky News experiments with selfie-sticks for field reporting; Media Monitoring Minute from CustomScoop.

News That Fits: An in-depth conversation about communicating on behalf of universities and colleges (the focus on Kevin’s practice); the value of “masterminds” — is there a role for mastermind groups among communicators?; listener comments; a look at the PR agency and practitioner of the future; Dan York’s report: why Facebook, Google, and Skype may win the mobile app war, Ello’s new iOS app, and more; Igloo Software promo; the last week on the FIR Podcast Network; Periscope, presidential politics, and lessons for communicators.

Music from Guster, and more.

Links to the content in this episode are on Delicious.

So, until June 29, when our guest co-host will be Julia Kent, co-host of Young PR Pros.

The post #813: Periscope in PR, News, and Politics appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.