Next week we’ll be in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for the 53rd meeting of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and as per usual there will be a great about of DNS security activity happening. Some great introductions to DNSSEC and DANE – and some outstanding technical talks (and demos!) on Wednesday. Here are the three main activities – remote participation is available for two of them. Do note that all times are Argentina Time (ART) which is UTC-3.
DNSSEC For Everybody: A Beginner’s Guide
On Monday, 22 June 2015, we’ll have the regular “DNSSEC For Everybody: A Beginner’s Guide” session from 17:00-18:30 ART where we’ll do our “skit” dramatizing DNS and DNSSEC. If you have been seeking to understand WHY this all matters, do join in to see! You can watch it remotely (or watch the archive later) at:
And yes, I’ll be talking about blue smoke as I usually do… and I’ll be in the skit because, why not? 
DNSSEC Implementers Gathering
After the DNSSEC For Everybody session on Monday, many of us who have been involved with deploying DNSSEC or DANE will travel to a nearby Irish pub (yes, in Argentina!) for the “DNSSEC Implementers Gathering” for food, drink and conversation from 19:30-21:30 ART. Many thanks to CIRA, NIC.AR and SIDN for sponsoring this event. If you will be at ICANN 53 and would like to join, please RSVP to Julie Hedlund by the end of the day on Thursday, 18 June.
DNSSEC Workshop
As usual, the main event will be the DNSSEC Workshop on Wednesday, 24 June 2015, from 9:00 to 15:15 ART. NOTE THE LATER START TIME! Previously the workshops started at 8:30am but this time our start is 9:00.
Remote participation information, slides, the agenda and more info can be found at:
The sessions will be recorded if you would like to listen to them later. Slides will be posted as the date gets closer.
The current agenda includes:
0900-0915 – DNSSEC Workshop Introduction, Program, Deployment Around the World – Counts, Counts, Counts
- Dan York, Internet Society
0915-1030 – Panel Discussion: DNSSEC Activities in the Latin American Region
- Moderator/Presenter: Luciano Munichin, NIC.AR
- Panelists:
- Luis Diego Espinoza, Consultant, Costa Rica
- Carlos Martinez, LACNIC
- Gonzalo Romero, .CO
- Frederico Neves, .BR
- Hugo Salgado, NIC.CL
1030-1100 – Presentation: Update on DNSSEC KSK Root Key Rollover
1100-1115 – Break |
1115-1215 – Panel Discussion: DNSSEC Automation
- Moderator: Russ Mundy, Parsons
- Panelists:
- Eberhard Lisse, .NA – Proof of Concept on Smart Card HSM to Automate Key Signing
- Robert Martin-Legène, Packet Clearing House — PCH DNSSEC Signing Service
- Joe Waldron, Verisign – Verisign DNSSEC Signing Service
1215-1230 – Great DNS/DNSSEC Quiz
1230-1330 – Lunch Break |
1330-1445 – Demonstrations and Presentations: DANE and Applications
- Moderator: Dan York, Internet Society
- Panelists:
- Jaap Akkerhuis, NLNetLabs – Demonstration on Opportunistic Encryption
- Wes Hardaker — Presentation on Opportunistic SMTP Encryption
- Jacques Latour, CIRA — Demonstration of DNSSEC Open PGP Keys and Encryption of Email
- Danny McPherson, Verisign Labs — Demonstration of Running Code for DANE S/MIME and Practical Tools
- Paul Wouters, Fedora – Opportunistic IPsec
1445-1500 – Presentation: Deploying New DNSSEC Algorithms
- Dan York, Internet Society
1500-1515 – Presentation: DNSSEC – How Can I Help?
- Russ Mundy, Parsons and Dan York, Internet Society
The whole ICANN 53 should be a great event and I’m very much looking forward to it! Beyond our work with DNSSEC, DANE and DNS security, there will also be a great amount of public policy work happening as well.
If you will be there at ICANN 53 please do say hello – you can find me in these sessions… or drop me a note at and we can arrange a time to connect.
And … if you want to get started with DNSSEC and DANE, please visit our Start Here page to find resources that can help!