June 2015 archive

TDYR 256 – Watching The IPv4 River Run Dry… (Time To Move To IPv6!)

Goodbye IPv4 addresses in North America! I've been watching the countdown as the final days of IPv4 happen in North America... in this episode I talk about IPv4 as a river and how there will still be capacity in the river for a bit, but the source of the river is drying up - and now is the time to finally make the move to IPv6! More info at: https://www.arin.net/resources/request/ipv4_countdown.html

Wednesday, June 30, Is “DNSSEC Day” In Germany!

DNSSEC badgeWant to learn about DNSSEC and DANE auf Deutsch? On Wednesday, June 30, 2015, a group of organizations in Germany will be streaming live a session called “DNSSEC Day” from 14:00 to 18:00 CEST (UTC+2). Information can be found at:


They say the exact link for the live stream will be published there before the start.  The agenda indicates the four-hour live stream will be broken into four parts:

• DNSSEC: Wofür man die Technik braucht, wie sie in Grundzügen funktioniert  (an overview)

• Die Anwendersicht: Wie setzen Clients DNSSEC ein, welche Provider und DNS-Server sind ratsam  (a user’s perspective)

• Handreichungen für Administratoren: Eigene Domäne absichern, Registrare finden, Fallstricke vermeiden  (information for administrators)

• DNSSEC-Spezialitäten: Wie DNSSEC im Zusammenspiel mit weiteren Techniken Man-in-the-Middle-Attacken drastisch erschwert und die Mail-Verschlüsselung vereinfacht: OPENPGPKEY, SMIME/A, SSH Fingerprinting, IPSec  (DNSSEC specialties – which would appear to be mostly related to the DANE protocol)

This “DNSSEC Day” is a cooperative effort between three organizations:

  • The German government’s information security agency (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI))
  • DENIC, the registry behind the .DE top-level domain
  • Heise online, a leading technology media site

This kind of initiative is great to see and not surprising in Germany due to the high level of interest in DNSSEC and DANE, particularly for use in email communication.  DANE is being used quite heavily by a number of email providers, and I’ve been pleased to see a number of German email providers actively advertising their support of DNSSEC and DANE on their websites.

More information can be found at:

We look forward to hearing about how well the event goes and to seeing growth in DNSSEC validation and signing within Germany.

Congrats to all the folks involved for making this happen!

P.S. If you would like to get started with DNSSEC and DANE, please visit our Start Here page to begin!

The Hobson & Holtz Report #814: You’re Underusing LinkedIn

Intro: Welcome to Linked Conversations host Chuck Hester, our final guest co-host as Neville’s month-long hiatus draws to a close.

Quick News: How Apple won a PR victory with help from Taylor Swift, one of Hollywood’s biggest publicity agencies gets caught with its hand in the Wikipedia cookie jar, why Netflix reigns supreme in the cord-cutting movement, a top creative executive from the world of advertising proclaims the power of print.

News That Fits: An in-depth conversation about LinkedIn, including the value of a robust company page, LinkedIn’s power as a content marketing tool, enhancing your presence with Slideshare content, and why your sales staff (and others) should be participating in LinkedIn groups; Dan York’s Tech Report, with details on the Internet of Things, a look at David Weinberger’s report on the Internet that once was (and could be again), and a Dow Jones CEO’s warning that news media should rethink getting too cozy using Facebook and Apple as news distribution channels; listener comments; LinkedIn’s acquisition of Lynda.com (and how it might integrate the training site); Igloo Software promo; the last week on the FIR podcast network; how big brands have reacted to the SCOTUS same-sex marriage ruling, and whether other brands should consider following suit.

Music from Jim Keller, and more.

Links to the content in this episode are on Delicious.

So, until July 6, when Neville returns.

The post #814: You’re Underusing LinkedIn appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

TDYR 255 – Thoughts On Leaving ICANN53

TDYR 255 - Thoughts On Leaving ICANN53 by Dan York

Live TODAY – DNSSEC Workshop Streaming From ICANN53 in Buenos Aires

ICANN 53 LogoWhat is the current state of DNSSEC deployment? What is going on with DNSSEC in Latin America?  What new tools and services are available?  What can we do to encourage deployment? What is new with the DANE protocol to secure TLS?

Today (24 June 2015) at 9:00 am Argentina time (UTC-3, which is 1 hour ahead of US Eastern time) you can listen to a day full of sessions devoted to these topics.  Audio and video streams are available at:


As I described in an earlier post  – and also in a blog post on CircleID – the sessions include:

0900-0915 – DNSSEC Workshop Introduction, Program, Deployment Around the World – Counts, Counts, Counts

  • Dan York, Internet Society
0915-1030 – Panel Discussion: DNSSEC Activities in the Latin American Region

  • Moderator/Presenter: Luciano Munichin, NIC.AR
  • Panelists:
    • Luis Diego Espinoza, Consultant, Costa Rica
    • Carlos Martinez, LACNIC
    • Gonzalo Romero, .CO
    • Frederico Neves, .BR
    • Hugo Salgado, NIC.CL
1030-1100 – Presentation: Update on DNSSEC KSK Root Key Rollover

  • Ed Lewis, ICANN
1100-1115 – Break
1115-1215 – Panel Discussion: DNSSEC Automation

  • Moderator: Russ Mundy, Parsons
  • Panelists:
    • Eberhard Lisse, .NA – Proof of Concept on Smart Card HSM to Automate Key Signing
    • Robert Martin-Legène, Packet Clearing House — PCH DNSSEC Signing Service
    • Joe Waldron, Verisign – Verisign DNSSEC Signing Service
1215-1230 – Great DNS/DNSSEC Quiz

  • Paul Wouters, Fedora
1230-1330 – Lunch Break
1330-1445 – Demonstrations and Presentations: DANE and Applications

  • Moderator: Dan York, Internet Society
  • Panelists:
    • Jaap Akkerhuis, NLNetLabs – Demonstration on Opportunistic Encryption
    • Wes Hardaker — Presentation on Opportunistic SMTP Encryption
    • Danny McPherson, Verisign Labs — Demonstration of Running Code for DANE S/MIME and Practical Tools
    • Paul Wouters, Fedora – Opportunistic IPsec
1445-1500 – Presentation: Deploying New DNSSEC Algorithms

  • Dan York, Internet Society
1500-1515 – Presentation: DNSSEC – How Can I Help?

  • Russ Mundy, Parsons and Dan York, Internet Society

We hope that you will join us live… and the session will also be recorded for those who can’t join live.

And if you want to get started with DNSSEC, please visit our Start Here page to begin!

DNSSEC Successes, Statistics and Innovation Streaming Live from ICANN 53 on 24 June 2015 (Featured Blog)

Where has DNSSEC been successful? What are some current statistics about DNSSEC deployment? What are examples of innovations that are happening with DNSSEC and DANE? All of these questions will be discussed at the DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires happening on Wednesday, June 24, 2015, from 09:00 – 15:15 Argentina time (UTC-3). You can watch and listen to the session live. More...

DNSSEC Successes, Statistics and Innovation Streaming Live from ICANN 53 on 24 June 2015 (Featured Blog)


Watch Live TODAY – DNSSEC For Everybody: A Beginner’s Guide at ICANN53

ICANN 53 LogoIn about 35 minutes, at 17:00 Argentina time (UTC-3), we will be streaming live out of ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with the “DNSSEC For Everybody: A Beginner’s Guide” session.  You can watch and listen live at this link:


The session goes for 90 minutes today, roughly half of which is the actual program and the remainder is what usually turns into a live Q&A session.  We’ll have some introductory remarks that I’ll do, then we’ll have a skit that dramatizes DNS and DNSSEC interactions, then Russ Mundy will dive into a bit deeper detail about DNSSEC… and then we’ll go to Q&A.

Note that remote participants can ask questions through the Adobe Connect interface.

If you’d like a quick way to understand more about DNS and DNSSEC… join us!

It will be archived for later viewing, too, if you can’t watch it live.

P.S.  If you’d like to get started with DNSSEC, visit our Start Here page to begin!

The Hobson & Holtz Report #813: Periscope in PR, News, and Politics

Intro: Welcome to Higher Education host Kevin Anselmo, who takes over the co-hosting chair while Neville enjoys his month-long hiatus.

Quick News: FIFA’s communications director resigns as the crisis continues, Google will spotlight sites that load slowly in its mobile search results, UK campaign to raise awareness of the need for blood donations deletes blood types from signs and storefronts, Australia’s Sky News experiments with selfie-sticks for field reporting; Media Monitoring Minute from CustomScoop.

News That Fits: An in-depth conversation about communicating on behalf of universities and colleges (the focus on Kevin’s practice); the value of “masterminds” — is there a role for mastermind groups among communicators?; listener comments; a look at the PR agency and practitioner of the future; Dan York’s report: why Facebook, Google, and Skype may win the mobile app war, Ello’s new iOS app, and more; Igloo Software promo; the last week on the FIR Podcast Network; Periscope, presidential politics, and lessons for communicators.

Music from Guster, and more.

Links to the content in this episode are on Delicious.

So, until June 29, when our guest co-host will be Julia Kent, co-host of Young PR Pros.

The post #813: Periscope in PR, News, and Politics appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

TDYR 254 – Heading to ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires

TDYR 254 - Heading to ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires by Dan York