August 16, 2013 archive

TDYR #028 – TextIt, A New SMS App Service From Rwanda, Africa

I was fascinated by TextIt, a new SMS application service, not so much by their service, which is cool, but by the fact that they come out of Kigali, Rwanda, in Africa. Read the Hacker News thread to understand the technical aspects behind what they are doing - it's very cool and a sign of the incredible energy and innovation coming out of Africa!

Friday Humor: “Keep Calm and Enable DNSSEC” (and IPv6, too!)

keepcalmandenablednssecGiven that it’s a Friday afternoon and the end of our work week, I felt there was no better way to end the week than to highlight the image tweeted out by Marco Davids of SIDN this morning.  Yes, indeed, we in the DNSSEC community now have our own version of the (overused?) “Keep Calm” Internet meme…

(And you can get the full-size version via Marco’s Twitter account.)

Now in seeing Marco’s tweet, I learned of which I kind of knew had to exist out there somewhere, but had just never taken the time to find.

So… in order that IPv6 advocates don’t feel left out… I’ve created a “Keep Calm and Enable IPv6″ image as well!  (And yes, I tried fitting both DNSSEC and IPv6 in, but didn’t like the result.)

Anyway, thanks, Marco, for giving us something to smile about today!   Have a great Friday afternoon… and for those of you have a weekend ahead of you, I hope you have a great one!

Video: Matt Mullenweg’s State of the Word 2013

If you are fan of WordPress... if you use WordPress or maintain a WordPress site... and haven't yet watched Matt Mullenweg's "State of the Word 2013" talk from WordCamp San Francisco in July, I'd strongly encourage you to sit down for a bit and watch:

It's a great view into where the WordPress ecosystem is today - and where it is going in the future. Incredible stats, such as 46 million downloads in just the past 12 months! 336 new themes added in the past 12 months. 6,758 plugins added in the last year... and so much more.

A huge number is that 18.9% of web sites on the Internet now run WordPress!

Intriguing info about WordPress as an app platform... and where it is all going...

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