October 15, 2012 archive
Oct 15
FIR #673 – 10/15/12 – For Immediate Release
Neville records solo today; FIR nominated for European Podcast Award; discount for FIR listeners to Social Media Marketing 2012 conference; Quick News: Ford and PeerIndex influencer outreach programme in Europe; Evernote Smart Notebook from Moleskin; Kickstarter UK launch October 31; Google Wallet for Content; Ragan promo; News That Fits: Is there any point in blogging?; Dan York reports from Mumbai, India; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop; Flipboard is the publishing tool of the future; listener comments; TemboSocial promo; no report from Michael Netzley this week; tips for using LinkedIn's new Endorsement feature; music from May Stands Still; and more.