August 20, 2012 archive

Sometimes There Are Things Worth Doing

Sometimes there are things worth doing, even if they make no sense, financial or otherwise, and seem to serve no purpose. Sometimes things just need to be done.

Sometimes we need to tilt at windmills... and let the universe perhaps reveal the value at some later date.

Image credit: brianscott on Flickr

FIR #665 – 08/20/12 – For Immediate Release

Giovanni Rodriguez interview coming; Mitch Joel will guest co-host on October 8; Mark Story has a new job; new podcast to check out is Online Marketing and Communications; can you see the FIR log in iTunes podcast app?; Quick news: closes, podcasts apps coming back to iTunes, WalMart censors comments about mugging at a store; Ragan promo; News That Fits: Progressive Insurance feels Internet's wrath, Michael Netzley's Asia report, Media Monitoring Minute from CustomScoop, where to start when hiring for social media management, listener comments, TemboSocial promo, Dan York's report, FastCompany crowdsourcing Rules of Social Media; music from The Felice Brothers; and more.