January 2013 archive

Still Time To Submit A DNSSEC Speaking Proposal for ICANN 46 in Beijing

As we mentioned previously, there will be another DNSSEC Deployment Workshop on April 10, 2013, as part of ICANN 46 in Beijing, China.

The program committee is still open to receiving proposals if you would like to be considered for the agenda.

These DNSSEC workshops at ICANN meetings are outstanding places to meet with people involved in DNSSEC deployment and to present ideas, case studies, new tools and more.

See our earlier article for a full list of the kinds of topics for which the program committee is seeking proposals.  If you have a DNSSEC-related idea for a talk that doesn’t fit into those areas, don’t be afraid to submit it as the program committee provides that list for guidance.

The workshop agenda is filling up quickly… but there is still room for a few more speaking slots if you get a proposal in soon.  You need to send your proposal to dnssec-beijing@shinkuro.com by January 15th to be considered.

And if you don’t want to present but are interested in attending, if you can get yourself to Beijing attendance at the DNSSEC Deployment Workshop is free.  The event will also be live-streamed out so you will be able to watch it remotely.

Join the Google+ "IP Communications & VoIP" Community

Googleplus ipcomms voipWant to connect with others interested in the bleeding edge of IP communications and VoIP? Want to exchange links or engage in discussions with people interested in these topics? If you are a Google+ user (as I am), there is now the new "Communities" feature and Randy Resnick of VUC fame has set up a new Google+ community on "IP Communications & VoIP" at:

Given that Randy is very active on Google+, this community is also very active, both through Randy's posts as well as the comments and posts of others. I've already learned a good bit from a couple of the discussions that have occurred there.

There are other Google+ communities that you might find interesting, too, such as those related to DNSSEC and IPv6, but Randy's is a great one for VoIP / IP communications / UC topics. Check it out and join in the conversations....

Plus, if you haven't checked out the VUC calls that occur each Friday at noon US Eastern, they, too, are definitely worth listening to and participating in.

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T-Mobile Rolling Out HD Voice (Wideband) In US Mobile Network

T mobileMarking a huge step toward moving beyond the limitations of the legacy phone networks, at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) this week in Las Vegas T-Mobile announced that HD Voice is now available nationwide on its US network. This will give people the richer, fuller voice experience similar to what many of us have gotten used to experiencing while making Skype calls.

There is, of course, the caveat that HD voice (also called "wideband audio") is only available using specific smartphones:

To experience HD Voice, both parties on the call must use capable T-Mobile 4G smartphones such as the HTC One™ S, Nokia Astound and Samsung Galaxy S® III

TheNextWeb also suggests that the iPhone 5 should support HD Voice when T-Mobile makes it available on their network sometime this year.

Over on AnandTech, Brian Klug dives into a bit more detail about T-Mobile's HD Voice, specifically naming the AMR-WB codec, and relays some of his own testing that confirmed that it is live now.

This is an excellent step forward, even with the caveat that it only works on T-Mobile's 4G network and only with specific smartphones. As more and more people get used to the richer and better quality of wideband audio, expectations will rise and continue to push the ongoing migration of all telecom over to IP-based solutions.

Kudos to the technical teams at T-Mobile for making this happen!

P.S. I'm also personally pleased to learn about this because T-Mobile supports IPv6 across their mobile network, too. Now if only they could improve their coverage in southwestern New Hampshire, I'd be able to actually consider switching to them.

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Attending CES? Visit the ARIN Booth To Learn How Critical IPv6 Is For Consumer Electronics

ARIN at CES 2013Are you attending the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) this week in Las Vegas? If so, you can visit the ARIN team at booth 35175 in South Hall 4 to learn about why IPv6 and why it is critically important for consumer electronics devices.

As the folks behind the TeamARIN site say in their article today, CES: Why All Internet-Enabled Consumer Devices Need IPv6 :

At the end of the day, a consumer will be sorely disappointed if they purchase an 80-inch 3D television and it cannot connect to the entire Internet, and that means the TV needs to be IPv6 compatible. Manufacturers, designers and engineers need to adopt IPv6 today so that their consumer products can compete in the market in years to come.

We agree!  If you are at CES and want to understand more about why you need to be thinking about IPv6 in consumer devices, stop by the ARIN booth and ask them your questions.

The End Of Herception – And Of Living Life In 3-Week Increments

Norriscotton keeneToday marks a major milestone in my wife's treatment of her breast cancer. It will be the 18th - and final - time that a Monday morning starts with a treatment visit to "The Kingsbury Pavilion of the Dartmouth Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center"... a.k.a. the cancer treatment wing of our local hospital, the Cheshire Medical Center.

It's her final Herceptin infusion. And it marks the end of our living life in three-week increments.

For the past 12 months, our pattern has basically been this:

  • Week 1:
    • Monday - she goes in for the infusion. After a couple of hours we pick her up with her being tired and dizzy/woozy from the effects of the other medicine they give with it. In the evening she's pretty much just wiped out.
    • Tuesday - Fatigue, nausea, feeling horrible.
    • Wednesday - By the afternoon she's often back to being able to do things like drive a car... but still not feeling great.
    • The rest of the week - progressively feeling a bit better but still feeling rather sick/tired/fatigued.
  • Week 2: Gradually feeling a bit better
  • Week 3: Gradually feeling a bit better... almost back to where she was at the start of Week 1

And then... WHAM!... time to start it all over again.

This was how 2012 was... planning around "Herceptin weeks," knowing that they would effectively be written off in terms of my wife being able to do much at all.

And over the year it got worse, not better. We'd perhaps naively thought that after a few Herceptin treatments it might get more routine. But in fact there seemed to be cumulative effects... more fatigue... more pain...

Now, granted, not all of her condition can be attributed purely to the Herceptin. With each infusion they also give her "pre-meds" that are there to "help" her body tolerate the Herceptin. These include something like Benedryl and also a steroid.

Plus, around the same time that she started Herceptin she also started the joyous daily pill of Tamoxifen, which brings on chemically-induced menopause with all the hot flashes, joint pain, mood effects and a zillion other symptoms.

The combined effect of all the drugs, plus, I suspect, the lingering effects of chemo, hasn't made for a pleasant time.

As with many aspects of cancer treatment, too, it's not entirely clear that the treatment was necessary for so long. "The studies show" that 52 weeks of treatment with Herceptin lead to a decrease in recurrence of breast cancer of the type my wife has. But does it need to be for 52 weeks? Could it be equally effective in 26 weeks? Or 9 weeks?

The studies haven't yet been conclusive on that... and so we have to go with what is known. But my hope, certainly, for future women who need the treatment is that the researchers out there can zero in a bit more on what is really the optimal treatment time - and hopefully it can be less than a full year.

Today marks a milestone, though. We can stop thinking in 3-week intervals. She still has four more years of daily Tamoxifen pills, but at least these infusions will end. We're hoping that we can return to some degree of normal routines.

We're still "going on faith" that all this will help... hopefully it will.

UPDATE: A conversation with my wife on her way to treatment this morning reminded me that in fact the "3-week intervals" began even earlier, back in September 2011 when her chemo began. The chemo infusions, too, were every three weeks... so we are are SO ready for this all to end. :-)

Verisign Labs DANE Demonstration Page and Test Sites

Are you developing software that uses the DANE protocol to combine the strong integrity of DNSSEC with the encryption of TLS/SSL?

If so, the folks over at Verisign Labs have stood up a demonstration page and a series of test sites at:


They provide a number of different test cases that you can use to test your DANE support.  We’ve added their sites to our list of DANE test sites and we definitely thank Verisign for making them available.

Check the sites out… and lets see DANE support getting added to more applications!

FIR #685 – 1/7/13 – For Immediate Release

We kick off our eight year; Ekaterina Walter interview is up, another on PR Apprenticeship is coming; Quick News: Brands are experimenting with sexting services, Hawaii Five-0 to let viewers choosing episode ending in real time, doctors are using social media more, father hires in-game hitmen to deter son from planing; Ragan promo; News That Fits: will PR take over the world in 2013?, Michael Netzley's Asia report, highlights from Nielsen's 2012 social media report, listener comments, how to add value to LinkedIn endorsements, Dan York's report, can or should you avoid Google+?; how to comment; music from Sound Tribe Sector 9; and more.

Facebook Rolls Out VoIP In Canada on iOS!

FacebookToday, Facebook apparently began testing of true voice-over-IP (VoIP) calling from its iOS app for all Facebook users in Canada. If you have an iPhone and are in Canada, you can update to the latest version of the Facebook Messenger app and start making free phone calls to your friends on Facebook. Two articles have more details:

I was alerted to this by (appropriately) a Facebook post from Tris Hussey, author of the iPhone Hacks article.

Since I'm not in Canada, I can't test it myself... an update to the Messenger app for me will only get me the ability to leave "voice notes". But I'm looking forward to learning more from my friends in Canada.

If this rolls out to users outside of Canada, this has the potential to be huge and a major disruption to telecom. Yes, there is Skype on mobile phones, and a dozen other apps like Viber and Voxer, but...

... Facebook has the directory and the eyeballs!

You have your friend connections already in Facebook. Plus, people are already spending a significant amount of time in the Facebook app. This just makes it simple to move into real-time communications with someone.

I'm looking forward to learning more from friends up north... and to hopefully trying it out at some point!

UPDATE: Here's the iOS update message for Facebook Messenger:

Facebook v2 1 iphone

So the way I read that, we should all be getting this capability in the next few weeks.

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Want To Learn More About IPv6 Deployment? Join the IPv6-Ops mailing list

Want to learn more about IPv6 and how it is actually used in network operations? Want to connect with a community of people who are working with IPv6 on a daily basis?

If so, have you thought about subscribing to the “ipv6-ops” mailing list?  Just go to:


and fill out the subscription form.  If you take a look at the archive of the list, you will see all sorts of interesting discussions that take place.  In November there was a fascinating thread about IPv6 in Windows and the beginning of a lengthy thread about IPv6 firewalls in customer premise equipment that continued on into December. This month there’s been some good discussions about IPv6-only networks and also which countries have the highest deployment of IPv6.

What continues to impress me about the list is that even as much as I work with IPv6, I’m very often learning even more from the high quality of people involved with the list.

It’s a great place to be, even if you just lurk to listen and learn… why not subscribe today?


Next SIP Forum “SIP Over IPv6″ Call on January 9th

UPDATE – Jan 9, 2012: Unfortunately due to some scheduling conflicts, the call on January 9th was cancelled.  There will be discussion on the SIP Forum discussion list to determine the date of the next call.

SIP Forum

One week from today, on January 9, the SIP Forum’s “SIP Over IPv6 Task Group” will be having it’s next conference call.  Andy Hutton, co-chair of the group, provided notes of last call where discussion continued about how to move efforts forward.  As he notes, a message with an agenda and more details should be sent to the list soon (you can check the list archive).

As I wrote about before, this Task Group is an important step toward getting more Voice over IP (VoIP) communication happening over IP.  If you are interested in getting more involved, the Task Group web page explains more about what the group is doing – and the SIP Forum IPv6 mailing list is open to all to join.