Ragan Communications ends FIR sponsorship; Gini Dietrich to guest co-host on May 4; Quick News: Collaborate London intranet workshop from Igloo Software, alarming social media declines among Inc. 500, BBC’s updated social media guidelines, what reporte…
Apr 05
The Tension Between Consumption and Creation of Content (a.k.a. spending time reading Facebook doesn’t help with writing)
There went another hour! I wanted to do some writing tonight but first I sat down and said "I’ll just take a quick look at Facebook"… and there I was… an hour later… having learned all about the lives of…
Apr 01
RFC 7511 – Scenic Routing for IPv6
Carrying on a grand old April 1 tradition, the IETF today released RFC 7511, Scenic Routing for IPv6. Given the amount of attention in the industry to environmentally-friendly “Green IT”, this RFC aims to help all the poor IPv6 packets that are trapped inside of wires and cables… and instead gives those packets some fresh Read more…
Mar 31
New DNSSEC Deployment Map Available In Global Internet Maps
Our DNSSEC Deployment Maps are now also available as part of a larger set of Global Internet Maps produced as part of our annual Global Internet Report. My colleague Michael Kende wrote about these new maps earlier this month and explained a bit about them. This new DNSSEC deployment map is rather fun in that […]
The post New DNSSEC Deployment Map Available In Global Internet Maps appeared first on Internet Society.
Mar 31
New DNSSEC Deployment Map Available In Global Internet Maps
Our DNSSEC Deployment Maps are now also available as part of a larger set of Global Internet Maps produced as part of our annual Global Internet Report. My colleague Michael Kende wrote about these new maps earlier this month and explained a bit about them. This new DNSSEC deployment map is rather fun in that Read more…
Mar 31
Never Give Up
Never. Give. Up. I was vividly reminded of that lesson last night in the championship game of the Men’s Curling League at the Petersham Curling Club where I play. Our team, which had played extremely well together all year, had made it through the playoffs to be in the final championship game against another excellent team. This was it. The end of the long curling season and a chance to have our names inscribed on the league trophy at the club. After 5 of the 8 ends (think "innings" in baseball or "periods" in hockey), both teams were tied. Then…
Mar 30
TDYR 236 – Winning A Curling Championship
TDYR 236 – Winning A Curling Championship by Dan York
Mar 30
The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #801: March 30, 2015
Quick News: Brands flock to Periscope, being seen as innovative boosts a company’s bottom line says Ketchum survey, Slack is killing IRC, all 650 Members of Parliament in the UK will receive an iPad Air 2 after the May election; Ragan promo;
News That Fits: New apps – including Periscope, Meerkat and NewsByMe – could boost citizen journalism; Dan York’s Tech Report: Periscope and live streaming, Dave Winer’s MyWord, Facebook; drilling a social media crisis with Polpeo; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop; listener comments in audio and in the FIR Podcast Community on Google+; wearable tech will shift from novelty to norm in the next five years; the past week on the FIR Podcast Network; Igloo Software promo; summary of what we learned from Facebook’s F8;
Music from Moon Taxi; and more.
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The post The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #801: March 30, 2015 appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.
Mar 30
Some Quick Thoughts On Periscope, Meerkat And The Era of Simple Livestreaming
Unless you’ve been offline or ignoring social media for the past couple of weeks you’ve no doubt seen the dueling "livestreaming wars" between the iOS applications Meerkat and Periscope. Perhaps you’ve viewed some of the streams… or broadcast some yourself….
Mar 30
Keeping The Web Open: Dave Winer’s "Radically Silo-Free" MyWord Editor
Dave Winer is at it again. The creator of some of the original blogging software back in the early 2000s and one of the creators of RSS released last week his "radically silo-free" blogging editor MyWord Editor (MWE) with this…