For Immediate Release #11: Succeeding (or not bothering) with Periscope

Welcome to episode #11 of For Immediate Release. This week’s panel includes Chris Brogan, CEO of Owner Media Group, speaker, and bestselling author; Chris Christensen, CEO of and host of The Amateur Traveler podcast; and Christine Perkett, CEOof PerkettPR and SeeDepth, an analytics tool for measuring the effectiveness of public relations.

Topics on today’s episode include the need to incorporate content marketing growth-hacking into PR skillsets, how some brands are overlooking uncertainties about periscope (and whether it’s a good idea for every brand to jumpo n the Periscope bandwagon), how the continued success of printed books might suggest print has a place in organizational communication, the ethics of a news organization promising an article in exchange for participation in one of its media properties, the apparently low threshold for choosing your social media team, and much, much more.
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Call for Participation – DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN 55 in Marrakech, Morocco (Featured Blog)

Do you have an idea for a new way to use DNSSEC or DANE to make the Internet more secure? Have you recently installed DNSSEC and have a great case study you can share of lessons learned? Do you have a new tool or service that makes DNSSEC or DANE easie…

Call for Participation – DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN 55 in Marrakech, Morocco (Featured Blog)


Got a DNSSEC or DANE Story or Tool To Share? Submit a Proposal For ICANN 55 DNSSEC Workshop

Do you have an idea for a new way to use DNSSEC or DANE to make the Internet more secure?  Have you recently installed DNSSEC and have a great case study you can share of lessons learned?  Do you have a new tool or service that makes DNSSEC or DANE easier to use or deploy? Read more…

Call for Participation — ICANN DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN 55 in Marrakech, Morocco

The DNSSEC Deployment Initiative and the Internet Society Deploy360 Programme, in cooperation with the ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC), are planning a DNSSEC Workshop at the ICANN 55 meeting on 09 March 2016 in Marrakech, Morocco.  The DNSSEC Workshop has been a part of ICANN meetings for several years and has provided a […]

TDYR 277 – New WordPress Admin Interface and Mac App

TDYR 277 – New WordPress Admin Interface and Mac App by Dan York

Cyber Monday: Save 50% on “Migrating Apps to IPv6”

  Today you have a great opportunity to buy “Migrating Applications to IPv6” and hundreds of other ebooks and videos from O’Reilly and associated publishers at a discount of 50% off or more. Simply go to: and start shopping! Or you can go directly to the book’s page at O’Reilly at: As I’ve […]

TDYR 276 – Happy US Thanksgiving

TDYR 276 – Happy US Thanksgiving by Dan York

On Thanksgiving, we’re thankful for our next panel

We’re very excited to have three Chris’s on the November 30 recording of FIR #11: Chris Brogan, Chris Christensen, and Christine Perkett.
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Only One Week Left to Submit Nominations for PIR Board of Directors (Closes Nov 30) (Featured Blog)

If you would like to help guide the future of the Public Interest Registry (PIR), the non-profit operator of the .ORG, .NGO and .ONG domains, the deadline for nominations is MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2015! After reading the information about the PIR Board r…