Welcome to episode #11 of For Immediate Release. This week’s panel includes Chris Brogan, CEO of Owner Media Group, speaker, and bestselling author; Chris Christensen, CEO of BloggerBridge.com and host of The Amateur Traveler podcast; and Christine Perkett, CEOof PerkettPR and SeeDepth, an analytics tool for measuring the effectiveness of public relations.
Topics on today’s episode include the need to incorporate content marketing growth-hacking into PR skillsets, how some brands are overlooking uncertainties about periscope (and whether it’s a good idea for every brand to jumpo n the Periscope bandwagon), how the continued success of printed books might suggest print has a place in organizational communication, the ethics of a news organization promising an article in exchange for participation in one of its media properties, the apparently low threshold for choosing your social media team, and much, much more.
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