For Immediate Release #55: Beating Back the Trolls

Three PR agency thought leaders were on the panel: Gerry Corbett, Phil Gomes, and Joe Thornley. The discussion looked at how Ford and the United Auto Workers handled inaccurate charges levelled at Ford during the presidential debate (and whether real-time marketing is winding down as a useful tactic), whether PR’s future is in integrated marketing (and what happens to traditional media-focused PR), the challenges facing communicators at Wells Fargo, the revelation of an ethically-questionable media tactic by the FDA and other government and scientific organizations, how Internet Society employees were blindsided by trolls, and more.
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For Immediate Release #54: Our most engaging episode

Employee engagement was a constant theme in this week’s conversation with iCology founder Chuck Gose, internal communication measurement thought leader Angela Sinickas, and BBVA’s global head of employee communication, Peter Vogt. (Don’t worry; if you’re not involved with employee communication, there’s plenty to sink your teeth into in this episode for you, too.) Our topics included a look at the dark side of employee engagement, internal communications’ slow uptake of mobile technology, whether companies need to consider their talent brand, why company mission statements aren’t resonating with employees, and much more.
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TDYR 313 – Join InterCommunity 2016 TODAY to discuss Internet trust, governance and access #iComm16

Want to join a global conversation about how we connect the unconnected, increase the level of trust in the Internet and advance appropriate Internet governance policies? That conversation is happening TODAY at InterCommunity 2016, happening ON the Int…

FIR #53: PewDiePie is not happy

Today’s panel features Owner Media Group CEO Chris Brogan, MarketingProfs Chief Content Officer Ann Handley, and Scott Monty  of Scott Monty Strategies. Our topics included a number of breaking Twitter stories, the shift from big-name celebrity influencers to niche influencers (and whether the practice should even be called “influencer marketing”), a kerfuffle and a new social tool at YouTube, the kinds of email subject lines that appeal to journalists, brands’ continued use of organic posts on Facebook, comment filtering on Instagram, and much more.
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For Immediate Release #52: All About Influence

Today’s panel features social media and communications consultant Richard Binhammer, Zoetica Media CEO Kami Huyse, and Little Bird co-founder and board chairman Marshall Kirkpatrick. Our topics included the “Social Contract with Patients” published by Allergan’s CEO that outlined the company’s commitment to restrict price increases for its drugs (the post also referred to those who boost their drug prices “outliers” who threaten the ecosystem); eMarketer’s projection that Snapchat will earn almost $1 billion in ad revenue next year and how communicators should start taking advantage of the service; Ford Motor Company’s move into businesses other than making cars for individuals to buy (because they’ve seen the writing on the wall for individual car ownership) and what it means for communicators when the vehicles people ride in become moving entertainment systems; the state of influencer marketing; and much more.
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TDYR 312 – Heading to ISC2 Security Congress to talk MANRS and DNSSEC / DANE

I’m en route to Orlando, Florida, to speak at the ISC2 Security Congress over the next few days. In this episode I talk about my sessions, explain some of what the MANRS initiative is about, and talk about why DNS security is important…. and if you …

Blue at the pump

Blue at the gas pump…  

In Praise Of Mountaintops

There is something about a mountaintop. The view all around you. The freshness of the air. The wind whipping against your hair and body. The exhiliration of making it to the top after a grueling climb. There is something about a mountaintop. The smiles and joy of some people there. The agonized expressions of those who just barely made it. The mobile phones as selfies and panoramas get taken. The sometimes sharing of food. There is something about a mountaintop. The sense of wonder and awe. The pointing down to the bottom. Is that where the trail began? Is that…

FIR #51: A real plastic influencer

Today’s panel features Jen McClure, who founded the Society for New Communication research; business blogging pioneer Lionel Menchaca; and PR agency president Sherrilynne Starkie. Our topics included whether the Epi-Pen crisis would ever have happened without social media and how companies now need to think about “business as usual,” the value of some kinds of hashtags (or lack thereof), AT&T’s self-righteous post reacting to Google’s fiber decision, Mattel’s Barbie is now a paid Instagram influencer, and more. Dan York’s report look at two Facebook announcements: Messenger now lets you share video while you’re texting and Facebook says your site must be mobile-friendly or your ads will suffer
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A Seriously Bad Mistake

I made a serious mistake last night. One that had consequences for my sleep – or lack thereof. It caused me to not do anything else this morning. It caused me not to get up and want to make breakfast. I wanted to ignore everyone else around me. It was seriously, seriously bad… What was it? I opened up a book. Not just a "book".. but a really, really GOOD book! And now… all I want to do is sit there and read the remaining 600 pages… 🙂 Responsibilities call… things need to be done… activities need to be planned……