Building Our New Website: Improved search, speed, and an open issue tracker

The new Internet Society website now has improved search capabilities, should load faster, and has an open issue tracker on Github. Read the post for more details…

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Deadline of Feb 1 for Nominations for Public Interest Registry (.ORG Operator) Board of Directors (Featured Blog)

Would you be interested in helping guide the future of the Public Interest Registry (PIR), the non-profit operator of the .ORG, .NGO and .ONG domains? If so, the Internet Society is seeking nominations for three positions on the PIR Board of Directors….

Meltdown and Spectre: Why We Need Vigilance, Upgradeability, and Collaborative Security

Today’s news about the Meltdown and Spectre CPU vulnerabilities highlight the critical need for vigilance, upgradeability and the collaborative security approach across the industry.

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My 3 Words For 2018

Continuing the tradition I started back in 2010 (see past years), here are three words that describe themes I intend to focus on this year. They aren’t "resolutions" as much as areas of activity. "Themes" is a good way to think about them. HEALTH Carrying this one over from last year… because sadly not a great amount has changed over the past 12 months. I have let my weight creep up to where I am about 30 pounds over where I should be (and where I was back in 2011). I haven’t been exercising. I have some dental issues to…

Deadline of Friday, Dec 15, for Nominations to Internet Society Board of Trustees (Featured Blog)

As I noted last month, this Friday, December 15, 2017, at 15:00 UTC is the deadline to nominate someone for the Internet Society’s Board of Trustees. Anyone who supports the mission of the Internet Society is welcome to submit a nomination (for yoursel…

TDYR 348 – “Acoustic Speakers” and Smartphones

Did you know you probably have many “acoustic speakers” in your home? I was amused this weekend to see devices marketed as an “acoustic speaker” this weekend….

TDYR 347 – Failing at NaPodPoMo 2017… but learning good lessons

I failed at NaPodPoMo 2017 – 30 podcasts in 30 days – but took away some important lessons about how to do it better next time…

Watch Live – IETF 100 Plenary Panel on the Future of the Internet

What is this future of the Internet? What will the Internet look like in 30 years? On Wednesday, November 15, three prominent strategists will gaze into the future and share their unique perspectives.  This panel on “The Internet, a look forward: Social, political, and technical perspectives” is part of the IETF 100 plenary session streaming […]

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TDYR 346 – How I Record This Podcast using Hindenburg Field Recorder

How do I record on my iPhone? What is my workflow? I was asked that question and thought I would answer through an episode. The main app I use is the Hindenburg Field Recorder…

TDYR 345 – Twitter’s 280 Characters – initial thoughts

Twitter just moved from 140 to 280 characters. In this episode I relay some of my thoughts about this change. What do YOU think about it?