Video – Vint Cerf on the 6th anniversary of World IPv6 Launch and why IPv6 is so critical now

Today, on the sixth anniversary of World IPv6 Launch, Vint Cerf, co-designer of the TCP/IP protocol and a “Father of the Internet”, sent us this video message to share with you all: To learn more about IPv6, read our State of IPv6 Deployment 2018. And if you have not yet started, visit our Deploy360 IPv6 […]

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Watch live – June 6 panel on “Innovation, security, and the Internet of Things (IoT)” in Ottawa

As a side event before the 2018 G7 Summit this week in Canada, tomorrow, 6 June 2018, the Internet Society will hold a panel to not only talk about the risks and opportunities the Internet of Things (IoT) brings, but also what policy makers can do to build a connected future for everyone. The panel, […]

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Podcast: Talking Data Privacy and GDPR with Todd Tolbert

“Let’s raise the bar on data privacy and make the Internet safer.”  With the imminent arrival of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this was one of the points raised by Todd Tolbert, our Chief Administrative Officer, in an episode of the Non-Profit Tech Podcast published yesterday. Hosted by fusionSpan’s Justin Burniske, the 35-minute […]

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Test with an embedded tweet

Just doing a test of what happens when I embed a tweet – what other trackers get pulled in:

That moment when you take a long, deep breath before opening your work email and Slack after being completely offline for a week……………

— Dan York (@danyork) April 30, 2018

April 22, 1993 – A Day The Internet Fundamentally Changed (Featured Blog)

25 years ago, on April 22, 1993, a software release happened that fundamentally changed the user experience of the Internet. On that day, version 1.0 of “NCSA Mosaic for the X Window System” was released. You could now have (gasp!) text MIXED WITH IMAG…

Call for Participation – ICANN DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN62, Panama City (Featured Blog)

Would you like to share information about how you are using DNSSEC with the wider technical community? Do you have an idea for how to make DNSSEC or DANE work better? Or work with new applications? If so – and if you will be attending ICANN 62 in Panam…

Call for Participation – ICANN DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN62, Panama City

The DNSSEC Deployment Initiative and the Internet Society Deploy360 Programme, in cooperation with the ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC), are planning a DNSSEC Workshop during the ICANN62 meeting held from 25-28 June 2018 in Panama City, Panama. If you are interested in participating, please send a brief (1-2 sentence) description of your proposed […]

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At RSA USA 2018 in San Francisco this week? Join the IoT Security conversation on Tuesday, April 17

Are you attending the RSA USA 2018 Conference this week in San Francisco? If so, please plan to join this panel session happening Tuesday, April 17, 2018, from 3:30 – 4:14pm (PDT): IoT Trust by Design: Lessons Learned in Wearables and Smart Home Products Moderated by my colleague Jeff Wilbur, Director of the Online Trust […]

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TDYR 350 – After Downloading All My Facebook Data, Here is What I Found…

I downloaded all my Facebook data today…. and it was an interesting trip through 11 years of memories – and other data… in this episode I talk about some of what I found, and also note how you can do this, too.

TDYR 349 – Returning From a Hiatus

Tap… tap.. tap… is this thing on? Unbelievably, it has been four months since I last published an episode of The Dan York Report. I am ready to get back behind the microphone and crank out some more episodes… stay tuned!