As I have continued to talk and speak about IPv6 and issues around migrating applications over to IPv6, one of the themes that has repeatedly come up is that developers are looking for examples of people who have gone through the migration from which they can …
Aug 12
Looking For IPv6 Application Migration Case Studies To Include In The Book – Care To Share Yours?
Aug 12
Node.js Knockout Contest Coming Up August 27 – Will You Compete?
Do you know Node.js? If so, have you thought about joining the Node.js Knockout contest starting on August 27th?
It’s basically a 48-hour contest to see which team can create the most awesome Node.js application, as decided by a panel of judges. The …
Aug 12
PodCamp NH Begins Tomorrow (Sat, Aug 13) in New Hampton, NH
If you live in New Hampshire (as I do) and are interested in all things related to social media: blogging, podcasting, digital marketing, Twitter, Facebook, and so much more, PodCamp NH is happening tomorrow, Saturday, August 13, 2011, from 8:30am…
Aug 05
Friday’s Humorous Video: 10 Reasons Why We Hate Facebook
Admit it… at least one of these (and perhaps many) will make you laugh… If you found this post interesting or useful, please consider either: following me on Twitter; adding me to a circle on Google+; subscribing to my email…
Aug 04
Voxeo’s Hiring a VP of Marketing – Come Be My Boss!
Here at Voxeo, we’re looking to hire a VP of Marketing! We’ve got a great team of people in our marketing group who are doing an amazing amount of work… and we’re looking for someone to lead that team and…
Aug 03
MarsEdit Offline Blog Editor For Mac OS X Has a New (Minor) Version Out
Yesterday Daniel Jalkut released a minor update to MarsEdit, my favorite offline blogging tool, and while the 3.3.2 release itself was really just about bug fixes, I thought I’d mention the tool again here on this blog for those who…
Aug 02
Facebook Acquires eBook Maker Push Pop Press – See The TED Video To Understand
Is Facebook going to get into eBook publishing? That was the first question I had when I saw the news that Facebook has acquired Push Pop Press, developers of a very cool eBook technology that was used mainly by Al…
Aug 02
New Android Malware/Trojan Records Your Phone Calls
News out of the CA Security Advisor Blog today is that there is a new piece of Android malware that records phone calls that you make on an Android phone. The post author, Dinesh Venkatesan, goes into some detail about what they found – and how they found it – in testing this malware. While […]
Aug 02
Dulwich – a native python way to access Git repositories
Ever wanted to manipulate Git repositories directly in python? Well, okay… I haven’t really myself, but in writing about Google Code’s support for git yesterday, I noticed that they are using Dulwich, a native python implementation of git. Rather than wrapping command-line git with …
Aug 01
European Union Security Agency Releases Report Analyzing HTML5 Security
ComputerWorld today reports that the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) has released a detailed report analyzing the security of HTML5 and related web protocols. While not directly related to Unified Communications, the reality is that many UC web interfaces, particularly for mobile devices, may turn to HTML5 as…