Want to Understand DNSSEC? Watch this video interview…

What is DNSSEC? What can you do with it? How does it work? Why are people excited about using DNSSEC? Why should you care about it? At the Consumer Electronics Show a few weeks back, I sat down with cybersecurity expert Joe Klein to cover a range of topics related to DNSSEC, including a few Read more…

Video: Why DNSSEC Matters – An Interview with Joe Klein

What is DNSSEC? How does it work? How can you use it? Why should you care about it? In this video, Dan York interviews cybersecurity expert Joe Klein about DNSSEC and explores a variety of topics related to how it works, how it is used, what you can do with it and where DNSSEC is Read more…

How To Auto-Update WordPress Custom Themes Using Github

Have you wished that you could get an automatic update notification in WordPress for a custom theme that you have used? You know, like the "update automatically" notifications for "official" themes hosted on WordPress.org such as this one? Or perhaps…

ICANN Publishes List of Domain Registrars Supporting DNSSEC

We were very pleased to see that ICANN’s Security Team published a list of domain name registrars that support DNSSEC. At this point in the deployment of DNSSEC it’s not a very long list, but it’s a good start – and a list that we hope will grow rapidly in the months ahead. As we Read more…

Humor: What Standards Experts Do

What exactly is it that “standards experts” do? If you’ve been on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or pretty much any other social network lately, you’ve seen this meme going around, and so we did have to laugh when a gent named Greg …

Three Critical Reasons High Schoolers Should Restrict The Privacy Of Their Facebook Pages

Tonight purely by accident I stumbled upon the Facebook page of a student I know at one of our local high schools. I didn’t know he was on Facebook but he had commented on a post in my NewsFeed by…

Citrix Launches New Blog Post Series About IPv6 Transition

It was great to see that over on Citrix’s blog, Kapil Digani has started what is promised to be a series of posts about the transition to IPv6. Currently, there are two posts up, the second of which has naturally received a few comments: 06/06 IPv6 – Beginning of the end for IPv4 LSN, CGN, Read more…

The Exquisite Beauty of an Ebook as a Living, Breathing Document

What if a "book" is more than just a fixed collection of text at a given point of time? What if the "story" inside the book evolves and changes over time? What does this mean for the idea of a…

IPv6 Statistics – Lars Eggert’s IPv6 Deployment Trends

Lars Eggert tracks deployment trends for IPv6, DNSSEC, SIP, XMPP and a few other protocols at: http://eggert.org/meter/ipv6.html In his “experiment,” Lars is tracking the top 500 sites from Alexa.com both overall and for individual countries, and then performing a variety of tests on them to determine IPv6 accessibility.  As he writes (our emphasis): This experiment Read more…

LACNIC Report On Success of IPv6 Week

How did IPv6 Week (Feb 6-12) turn out in Latin America and the Caribbean? The folks over at LACNIC recently posted a note indicating that over 200 websites participated in the IPv6 Week activities.  LACNIC also organized two webinars and presented at the Campus Party Brasil event that week.  They still have an IPv6 Week contest Read more…