If we build an “interplanetary Internet,” how will we have enough addresses for all the network endpoints unless we move to IPv6? Some of you are perhaps saying “Huh? An interplanetary Internet? Are you dreaming?” I’m not… because in truth we are already building an interplanetary Internet with the space exploration efforts we have underway, Read more…
Jun 15
IPv6 Friday: Tutorial on How To Set Up An IPv6 Tunnel From SIXXS
How easy is it to “IPv6-enable” your network using a tunnel from SIXXS? What are the steps you need to go through to do so? Over on his “IPv6 Friday” site, Olle Johansson has a post up today about “Eating my own dog food: IPv6-enabling my training class room” where he walks through the steps Read more…
Jun 15
OpenDNSSEC Team Seeking User Feedback Via A Survey
Via Twitter we learned that the OpenDNSSEC team is asking for user feedback to help improve the software. If you are a current user of OpenDNSSEC, please help the them by filling out their short survey!
Jun 11
Why World IPv6 Launch Matters to Communicators / PR / Marketing
With World IPv6 Launch happening last week, what does something as technical and geeky as "IPv6" have to do with people in public relations (PR) and marketing? Why should communicators really care about the underlying "plumbing" of the Internet? As…
Jun 11
Deploy360 Team Gathering This Week To Plan Site’s Future – How Can We Help You?
Today the Deploy360 team will be gathering for a week-long planning session to plot out in greater detail our activities for the remainder of 2012 and into 2013. Over the past 6 months, we’ve received a LOT of great feedback, both from this site and our social network accounts, as well as our ION conferences. Read more…
Jun 08
Site Changes – And Returning To The Regular Mix of DNSSEC / IPv6 Postings
As you may have noticed, for the past three weeks our blog and our accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ have all been pretty much “All IPv6, All The Time!” We joined with our colleagues to focus on what turned out to be the massively successful World IPv6 Launch and so we’ve been extremely focused Read more…
Jun 08
aaaa-check – a small little program to check for IPv6 DNS records (AAAA)
As I was helping out last week approving website participants for World IPv6 Launch, I found that sometimes I wanted to check for the existence of a AAAA record to know if the domain was already running IPv6. I was using the good old “dig” command for a while, but wanted an easier way to Read more…
Jun 07
Why World IPv6 Launch Is Critical To Preserve The Open Internet
With yesterday’s World IPv6 Launch bringing about the permanent enablement of IPv6 access on thousands of websites around the world (including this one), I recorded a video for the Internet Society’s stream of videos about why I see IPv6 as…
Jun 06
Updated Version of “Migrating Applications to IPv6” Book/Ebook Available Through O’Reilly
If you’ve bought the ebook or printed version of the book within the past few weeks, you should have received the most recent updated version. As I mentioned previously, I submitted to O’Reilly a range of updates – and have confirmed that an updated version is …