Warning! DNSSEC-Trigger Installation Issue After Mountain Lion Upgrade

If you are a Mac OS X user looking to upgrade to the brand new Mountain Lion release – and you also have installed DNSSEC-Trigger to have a local DNSSEC-validating DNS resolver, it seems there may be an issue during the upgrade process that you need to deal with. [UPDATE: This issue apparently only affects new installations Read more…

Google Now Lets You Handwrite Search Queries On iPad, iPhone, Android

Okay, I admittedly find this pretty cool… you can now enter search queries into Google on a tablet or mobile phone just by writing anywhere on the screen! As Google’s blog post outlines, you need to go to www.google.com on…

Video: An Excellent Tour Of Voxeo’s Awesome New Office!

My friends and former colleagues at Voxeo have produced a truly outstanding video giving a tour of the incredible space they have created in Orlando, Florida: Kudos to the Voxeo marketing team for creating this video! And congrats to Jonathan…

Hiring! Looking For An IETFer To Join ISOC’s Deploy360 Programme

Do you want to help get open standards like IPv6 and DNSSEC more widely deployed? Would you like to see other technologies developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) more rapidly adopted by network operators? Are you passionate about…

Images/Photos Alone Do Not Make A Content Strategy

Credit: C.C. ChapmanLately, it seems, the social media world is all abuzz about "images" in various forms. Photos, pictures… Instagram… Pinterest… infographics… plus Twitter, Facebook and Google+ all enhancing their capability to handle photos… and now this intense fascination with…

Have You Checked Out This Online IPv6 Training?

Are you looking to learn what IPv6 is all about?  Would you like to understand the basics of how IPv6 addresses work?  If so, the 6Deploy project has put some great video tutorials online at: http://www.6deploy.eu/e-learning/english/ As we mention on our resource page about the training, the seven sections of the course cover the basics Read more…

Have You Checked Out This Online IPv6 Training?

Are you looking to learn what IPv6 is all about?  Would you like to understand the basics of how IPv6 addresses work?  If so, the 6Deploy project has put some great video tutorials online at: http://www.6deploy.eu/e-learning/english/ As we mention on our resource page about the training, the seven sections of the course cover the basics […]

The post Have You Checked Out This Online IPv6 Training? appeared first on Internet Society.

Netflix Provides Excellent Technical Details Behind IPv6 Streaming Rollout

Yesterday over on the Netflix Tech Blog,  Rajiv Aggarwal and David Temkin provided an excellent view into how they enabled IPv6 support for Netflix’s video streaming. A couple of points in the article are worth calling out. First, they encountered an issue with the immaturity of some IPv6 code:  We found a reference leak in Read more…

Two Years Ago This Week, The Root Zone of DNS Was Signed With DNSSEC

Via a tweet from the ICANN DNS Ops team this morning, we were reminded that it was two years ago this week when the root zone of DNS was signed with DNSSEC and we could start validating the global “chain of trust” from the very beginning of the DNS tree. As noted on www.root-dnssec.org, the Read more…

US Government Releases Updated IPv6 Roadmap

Last week the US Federal CIO Council released an updated version of their IPv6 planning guide/roadmap. Available as a PDF download from cio.gov, the 73-page document provides a wealth of IPv6 information to both US government agencies and also to operators, enterprises and others seeking to understand exactly what the US government is doing with Read more…