Recently at Voip2day + ElastixWorld in Madrid 2012, Olle E Johansson gave a great presentation outlining where we are at with telecom and VoIP in 2012 – and where we need to go! Olle is a long-time, passionate and tireless…
Oct 01
Video from CO ISOC: IPv6: What is it, why do I need it, and how do I get it?
What is IPv6 all about? Why do you need it? How do you get it? These are the questions a recent event hosted by the Colorado (US) chapter of the Internet Society on August 28, 2012, sought to answer. The session began with a keynote by Scott Hogg, Director,Technology Solutions, Global Technology Resources (GTRI) and Read more…
Oct 01
FIR #671 – 10/01/12 – For Immediate Release
Three speeches and an interview are up; no Asia report this week; Quick News: HootSuite introduces internal feature, Quartz magazine launches, Kellogg’s swaps snacks for tweets, Twitter launches header image; Ragan promo; News That Fits: CEOs still fea…
Sep 28
U.S. White House Website Now On IPv6
Given that the IPv6 mandate for US federal government agencies came from the Obama administration, a few people noted in recent days that the White House website was not available over IPv6 and indeed it was not listed in yesterday’s run of NIST’s list of US government IPv6-enabled sites. This morning, though, brings the news Read more…
Sep 27
With September 30 Deadline Looming, US Government Enables IPv6 For Hundreds Of Websites
This Sunday, September 30, 2012, marks the deadline for US federal government agencies to make their public web services available over IPv6 according to an Obama administration mandate established two years ago. The reality is that all US agencies will not make the deadline which, somewhat predictably, has generated media stories slamming the government for Read more…
Sep 26
Alec Saunders Is A Rock Star In RIM’s Strange New Blackberry 10 Video
Oh… my. As anyone who knows me can attest, it’s extremely hard to render me speechless… but I admit to sitting here this morning staring at the screen with a rather uncomprehending expression on my face and with my mouth…
Sep 25
Video: What Is WebRTC/RTCWeb All About? How Does WebRTC Work?
Do you want to understand what WebRTC / RTCWEB is all about and why so many people are passionate about its potential for extending real-time communications (voice, video, chat, data-sharing, etc.) into web browsers? I recently wrote about some of…
Sep 24
Got an IPv6-enabled app? Enter this Application Contest for a 10,000 Euro prize!
Have you created an application that does something unique or interesting with IPv6? Or makes use of new capabilities that come with IPv6? Or have you expanded an existing application so that it now works with IPv6? If so, consider entering the International Application Contest 2012 sponsored by the IPv6 German Council. As noted on Read more…
Sep 24
FIR #670 – 09/24/12 – For Immediate Release
Neville speaking at CIPR Wikipedia-and-PR panel; Quick News: Digital Ireland Forum coming up, Gnip offers full Twitter feed, Boeing outfitting planes for in-flight mobile calls, interactive quizzes coming to YouTube; Ragan promo; News That Fits: plagia…
Sep 21
Friday Humor(?): The Register – “How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love IPv6″
IPv6 as a topic for fiction? Seriously? As we continue our ongoing efforts to scour the Internet for the best IPv6 and DNSSEC resources to bring to you, every now and then we run across an article that just causes us to go… well… “hmmmmmmm”. Such is the case with this piece at The Register Read more…