At the recent 22nd USENIX Security Symposium in Washington, DC, a paper was presented that is now available for download: Measuring the Practical Impact of DNSSEC Deployment, written by several researchers from the University of California along with security researcher Eric Rescorla. Their work was to explore the cost vs benefit of deploying DNSSEC. As they Read more…
Aug 19
TDYR #029 – Leaving The Internet To Speak French For A Week
TDYR #029 – Leaving The Internet To Speak French For A Week by Dan York
Aug 19
Network Computing: IPv6 Adoption On The Rise
We were very pleased to see the article “IPv6 Adoption On The Rise” appear in Network Computing last week where author Tom Hollingsworth wrote about some of the new IPv6 adoption statistics coming out of the folks at RIPE NCC. As he writes: The more interesting number comes again from RIPE when you cross reference Read more…
Aug 19
FIR #717 – 8/19/13 – For Immediate Release
Coming up: Bloggade, FIR Live on Google link rules, and two FIR interviews; Quick News: AppNet’s first birthday, SNCR’s Coalition for Secure Digital Media, Slack’s launch, YouTube’s freeze of views at 301; Ragan promo; News That Fits: checking the fact…
Aug 16
TDYR #028 – TextIt, A New SMS App Service From Rwanda, Africa
I was fascinated by TextIt, a new SMS application service, not so much by their service, which is cool, but by the fact that they come out of Kigali, Rwanda, in Africa. Read the Hacker News thread to understand the technical aspects behind what they a…
Aug 16
Friday Humor: “Keep Calm and Enable DNSSEC” (and IPv6, too!)
Given that it’s a Friday afternoon and the end of our work week, I felt there was no better way to end the week than to highlight the image tweeted out by Marco Davids of SIDN this morning. Yes, indeed, we in the DNSSEC community now have our own version of the (overused?) “Keep Calm” Read more…
Aug 16
Video: Matt Mullenweg’s State of the Word 2013
If you are fan of WordPress… if you use WordPress or maintain a WordPress site… and haven’t yet watched Matt Mullenweg’s "State of the Word 2013" talk from WordCamp San Francisco in July, I’d strongly encourage you to sit down…
Aug 15
Digging Into The August 14 .GOV Outage Related To DNSSEC
Over the past day there have been a number of news reports talking about the brief outage that occurred yesterday, August 14, 2013, when sites ending in .GOV were unreachable if you were performing DNSSEC validation on those domain names. Many of those news reports are pointing at Johannes Ullrich’s post on the SANS ISC Read more…
Aug 14
Amused By Spotify’s Clever Suggestions of Popular Music "When You Were In School"
Working in a home office, I’ve found that I enjoy having Spotify on in the background playing a much larger range of music than what I have in my own collection. I have found the "Discover" tab to be quite…
Aug 14
TDYR #027 – 10 Years Ago Today, The Massive Power Blackout In US And Canada
10 years ago today, on August 14, 2003, there was a massive power outage that affected Ontario, Canada, and much of the northeastern United States. In this episode I reflect on where I was that day and some of my thoughts around that event, as well as…