Category: RIRs

Help ARIN Shape Their New IPv6 Campaign – Today at 4:00pm EST

ARIN Get IPv6 campaignWould you like to help ARIN shape their new “Get IPv6″ campaign?  If so, please join the ARIN team on a conference call TODAY (Oct 28, 2014) at 4:00pm US EDT!  They are gearing up to launch a new promotional campaign around IPv6 called “Get6″.  As they say on their page about the campaign:

IPv6-ready mobile platforms and web content presents a new opportunity to convince your CEO, CMO and CCO of the importance of IPv6 adoption.

They are asking:

We want to know the challenges you have faced in communicating the value of IPv6 to non-technical audiences at your company.  Would a focus on web content resonate?

ARIN would like your feedback (more info in their blog post)… to join in the call simply send them a message to to get the call-in information.  I’m hoping to join in for a bit myself (I’ll also be listening to ION Santiago) and will be very interested to hear the feedback they get and what they do with the campaign!