Today’s third day of IETF 91 is for us on the Deploy360 team both a lighter day in terms of a schedule, but a heavier day in that we have two actual presentations today: Chris is speaking in the OPS Area meeting this morning about our Operators and the IETF project and I’ll be speaking in the DANE working group in the afternoon about DANE deployment. HOMENET is also meeting this morning and there are connections there to both the IPv6 and DNS security work we talk about here on Deploy360.
These are, of course, only a very small fraction of the many different working groups meeting at IETF 91 today – but these are the ones that line up with our Deploy360 topics.
Read on for more information…
NOTE: If you are not in Honolulu but would like to follow along, please view the remote participation page for ways you can listen in and participate. In particular, at this IETF meeting all the sessions will have Meetecho coverage so you can listen, watch and chat through that web interface. All agenda times are in HST, which is UTC-10 (and five hours earlier than US Eastern time for those in the US). I suggest using the “tools-style” agenda as it has easy links to the chat room, Meetecho and other documents for each session.
In the morning 9:00-11:30 block our attention will be focused in two working groups. Of primary importance, our Chris Grundemann will be in the Operations and Management Area Working Group (OPSAWG) in Coral 1 presenting on the work he and Jan Žorž have been doing as part of our Operators and the IETF project to collect information and feedback from network operators about their participation, or lack thereof, in the IETF. Today he’ll be presenting a summary of the results of the survey he and Jan undertook. Chris’ slides are available online and he and Jan also published an Internet Draft, draft-opsawg-operators-ietf, with more information. (And you can listen live starting at 9:00 HST (UTC-10) , although it looks like Chris is scheduled later in the session.)
Simultaneously over in Coral 3, the HOMENET WG will be meeting to discuss standards related to home/small networks. As Phil Roberts wrote about, there is a great bit of IPv6-related activity happening within this group. As I mentioned earlier, too, there is are a couple of DNS-related matters in HOMENET this time around. One draft, draft-jeong-homenet-device-name-autoconf, explores how home network devices and appliances and sensors that make up the “Internet of Things” (IoT) can be automatically configured with DNS names for monitoring and remote control. Our interest is naturally in how this interaction with DNS can be secured. Another draft looks at the idea of using a “.home” top-level domain (TLD) for home networks.
After lunch our attention then moves to the DANE Working Group happening from 13:00-15:00 HST in Coral 3. As I described in my Rough Guide post about DNSSEC, there is a great amount of activity happening here related to DNSSEC and DANE. As I mentioned in a recent post, I’ll be presenting at the end of the session asking the question “what can we learn from existing DANE deployments?” I summarized many of the thoughts and questions in draft-york-dane-deployment-observations but have expanded upon that in the slides I’ve prepared for today’s session. (I also couldn’t resist adding in photos of broccoli and cookies… but why will become clear in the discussion!)
When DANE is done we don’t have a particular focus in the final 15:20-16:50 HST session block on the IETF 91 agenda today, although several groups are of personal interest. There are also several DNS-related side meetings that are seeming to be scheduled during that time.
We’ll end the day with the usual IETF Operations and Administration Plenary from 17:10-19:40 HST that typically provides good insight into how the IETF is doing… and the “open mic” sessions can usually be educational, entertaining or both. 
If you are around at IETF 91 in Honolulu, please do find us and say hello!
P.S. Today’s photo is of Sharon Goldberg presenting about RPKI and BGP security in the ANRP presentation mentioned yesterday.
See also:
Relevant Working Groups
We would suggest you use the “tools-style” agenda to find links to easily participate remotely in each of these sessions.
OPSAWG (Operations and Management Area) WG
Wednesday, 12 November 2014, 0900-1130 HST, Coral 1
HOMENET (Home Networking) WG
Wednesday, 12 November 2014, 0900-1130 HST, Coral 3
DANE (DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities) WG
Wednesday, 12 November 2014, 1300-1500 HST, Coral 3
For more background on what is happening at IETF 91, please see our “Rough Guide to IETF 91″ posts on the ITM blog:
If you are here at IETF 91 in Honolulu, please do feel free to say hello to a member of the Deploy360 team. And if you want to get started with IPv6, DNSSEC or one of our other topics, please visit our “Start Here” page to find resources appropriate to your type of organization.