Category: IPBCOP

IP Best Current Operational Practices (IPBCOP) Project Launches New Website

Are you looking for “best practices” within the operations community?  If so, our friends over at the IP Best Current Operational Practices (IPBCOP) effort have just launched a new website to help make their information more accessible and available. The IPBCOP project, led by Aaron Hughes and Richard Donaldson, emerged out of a series of operator meetings such as NANOG where it became clear that a need existed to collect operational best practices within the operator community and capture those in a series of documents and templates that others can use.

The project has been working via a mailing list for the past while and currently has three drafts under active consideration:

More drafts are in development and a BCOP template is available for those interested in submitting their own best practices document for consideration.  The IPBCOP project is very much a community effort and all communication really happens through their mailing list, which is open for anyone interested to join.  You can also connect with IPBCOP on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

We think this is a great effort that will only help the operations community move forward with technologies like IPv6 and we encourage you all to check it out and if possible get involved!