Category: China

China Telecom Completes IPv6 Test On 4G LTE Network

IPv6 BadgeBy way of a news release from ZTE Corporation we were pleased to read about China Telecom’s recent successful testing of IPv6 capabilities on its 4G/LTE network in the Hunan province of China.  Given that LTE has been a huge area of growth for IPv6 globally, such as the recent measurement of Verizon Wireless’ network as having over 50% IPv6 deployment, we certainly see LTE as one of the first ways that many people will receive IPv6 in a mobile environment.

Given that ZTE Corporation is a equipment vendor their news release naturally explains how they helped China Telecom, but overlooking the marketing for a moment there are some useful data points in the news release:

The comprehensive weeklong test involved trial users and covered IPv4/IPv6 single- and dual-stack services, billing systems and backend IT infrastructure systems, demonstrating China Telecom’s 4G LTE network to be IPv6-ready.


As China Telecom rolls out 4G LTE services nationwide, IPv6 will help the operator manage the anticipated explosion in demand for new IP addresses. Becoming IPv6-ready is a key part of China Telecom’s plans for wider 4G LTE network deployments.


This successful IPv6 test fully verified the IPv6/IPv4 dual-stack capabilities of China Telecom’s 4G LTE network in Hunan, laying a solid foundation for the operator’s plans for wider deployment of 4G and other next-generation services in the future.

All great to see.  Beyond a “test”, of course, we look forward to seeing the full deployment of IPv6 across China Telecom’s 4G LTE network!

Are you looking to get started with deploying IPv6?  Or just simply understanding more about IPv6?  Please see our “Start Here” page to find resources focused on your type of organization – and please let us know if you need even more information.

DNSSEC Presentations Coming Up at ICANN46 in Beijing

ICANN 46 logoNext week at the ICANN 46 meetings in Beijing, China, there will be a series of DNSSEC-related workshops. I (Dan York) will be there at ICANN 46 and will be participating in these sessions. If you are able to attend in person, the events will be an excellent way to learn more about DNSSEC.

NOTE: Remote participation IS possible. See the links below to listen to the live streams.

The major DNSSEC-related meetings are on Monday, April 8, 2013, and Wednesday, April 10, 2013. They are:

DNSSEC for Everybody – A Beginner’s Guide

Monday, 8 April 2013 – 5pm-6:30pm, Auditorium –

This very basic introductory session is aimed to help attendees understand more about how DNSSEC can secure the Domain Name System and make the Internet more secure. As DNSSEC gets more widely deployed it is critical to understand how DNSSEC works. This session provides an interactive and fun way to learn how DNSSEC works, what tools are available to help and what best practices are currently being used.

DNSSEC Workshop

Wednesday, 10 April 2013, 8:30am-2:45pm, Rainbow –

This 6+ hour workshop brings together industry leaders on DNSSEC for a series of panel discussions about the state of the art in implementing DNSSEC, current best practices, government regulations and operational practices. Sessions also include talks about the latest and innovative uses of DNSSEC. Panels at ICANN 46 include:

  • Introduction and DNSSEC Deployment Around The World
  • DNSSEC: Regulative, Legislative and Persuasive Approaches to Encouraging Deployment
  • DNSSEC Deployment in Asia Pacific
  • Use of DNSSEC in the Reverse Name Space
  • The Operational Realities of DNSSEC
  • DNSSEC Innovation: DANE and Other DNSSEC Applications
  • Root Key Rollover

There will be case studies and reports on some of the latest tools. Of interest to many may be the talk from someone at CNNIC about China’s plans for deploying DNSSEC and signing .CN.  I’ll be moderating the panel on “DNSSEC Innovation” as well as providing a brief tutorial about the DANE protocol and how it helps.  Several of the other panelists will also be talking about DANE so it should be a good session.

I’ve attended several of these workshops now and have been very impressed by the quality of the sessions in terms of technical content.  If you’re at all interested in DNSSEC, I really can’t recommend the event strongly enough.  In full disclosure, I joined the Program Committee for this ICANN 46 workshop, so I’m a wee bit biased… but it also means I’ve seen many of the proposals as well as the completed slide decks – and I can say that there will be some excellent sessions there.

On Monday evening, there will also be an informal gathering of people involved with implementing DNSSEC to discuss and exchange information about DNSSEC implementations.  As noted in the email announcement, you need to RSVP by Thursday, April 4, as it is being held at a local restaurant and a count of attendees is needed.

In looking over the ICANN 46 schedule, another meeting I will probably attend is the “Joint DNS Security and Stability Analysis Working Group (DSSA)” on Thursday, April 11, 2013.  While it is not specifically about DNSSEC, it relates to “DNS security” in general and I would think it should be a rather interesting session given the recent DDoS attacks going on that are using DNS amplification.

If you are going to be at ICANN 46 and would like to meet with me to talk about DNSSEC, IPv6, routing resiliency or just Deploy360 in general, please feel free to drop me a note or find me in one of these sessions mentioned here.

You can also listen to an audio version of this post at: