Category: ARIN

Help ARIN Shape Their New IPv6 Campaign – Today at 4:00pm EST

ARIN Get IPv6 campaignWould you like to help ARIN shape their new “Get IPv6″ campaign?  If so, please join the ARIN team on a conference call TODAY (Oct 28, 2014) at 4:00pm US EDT!  They are gearing up to launch a new promotional campaign around IPv6 called “Get6″.  As they say on their page about the campaign:

IPv6-ready mobile platforms and web content presents a new opportunity to convince your CEO, CMO and CCO of the importance of IPv6 adoption.

They are asking:

We want to know the challenges you have faced in communicating the value of IPv6 to non-technical audiences at your company.  Would a focus on web content resonate?

ARIN would like your feedback (more info in their blog post)… to join in the call simply send them a message to to get the call-in information.  I’m hoping to join in for a bit myself (I’ll also be listening to ION Santiago) and will be very interested to hear the feedback they get and what they do with the campaign!

Time To Get IPv6! ARIN Starts Allocation From Its LAST Major Block Of IPv4 Addresses

ARIN logoSoooo… if you are in North America and have NOT started planning for a migration of your network to IPv6, now would be a REALLY good time to start doing so!  The news comes today from the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) that they have now started allocating IPv4 addresses from their last contiguous block of IPv4 addresses.

Now, this doesn’t mean that ARIN is out of IPv4 addresses… but it’s getting really close!  Per ARIN’s IPv4 Countdown Plan page, they only have 1.42 /8s left.  Basically, they have 104.x.x.x to allocate out to Internet service providers (ISPs) and then a number of other smaller ranges and then…

Boom.  That’s it!

There will be no more *new* IPv4 addresses available in the US, Canada and many Caribbean and North Atlantic islands.

Existing IPv4 addresses will continue to work just fine, of course, but any new networks or devices seeking to be connected to the public Internet are going to have to re-use existing IPv4 addresses via ugly NAT arrangements – or go IPv6.  So… mobile operators looking to expand and add on more devices.  All the companies looking to bring a zillion more appliances and devices onto the Internet via the “Internet of Things”.  Any expansions into new geographic areas.

We’ve been saying for years that we’d be running out IPv4 addresses… but now it’s actually happening in North America!  (and also in the European and Asia Pacific regions)

It’s time to get going with IPv6!  What are you waiting for?  And how can we help you?