Just a guy in Vermont trying to connect all the dots...
Author's posts
Apr 20
Deadline of April 21 To Make Your Website “Mobile-Friendly” Or Drop In Google Search Results (Featured Blog)
Apr 16
TDYR 239 – Creating Other People’s Content… At The Expense Of Your Own
Apr 13
The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #803: April 13, 2015
Collaborate/London workshop with Igloo Software on April 16;
Quick News: US Postal Service could find new business using augmented reality glasses, where to find and create your own animated GIFs, traveling employees embrace Uber and AirBnB, the Wall Street Journal’s approach to native advertising; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop;
News That Fits: How to run a successful blogger relations programme; Dan York’s Tech Report: Friendfeed really did shut down on April 9, Twitter ends its partnership with Datasift, and more; if leaders don’t use the internal social network, nobody will; listener comments in audio and in the FIR Podcast Community on Google+; Apple Watch: altering the face of technology retailing forever?; Igloo Software promo; the past week on the FIR Podcast Network; new modeling of the mediums of communication;
Music from The Pink Tiles; and more.
The post The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #803: April 13, 2015 appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.
Apr 13
FIR #803 – 4/6/15 – For Immediate Release
Apr 10
TDYR 238 – Mind Blown By Looping Of Cello And Double-Necked Guitar
Apr 09
IANA DNSSEC Root Key Ceremony 21 Streaming Live Today
If you’re interested in the security at the root of DNSSEC, you can watch the IANA DNSSEC Root KSK Ceremony streaming live today – happening right now, in fact – from a data center in Culpeper, Virginia. Just go to:
where you can connect to ICANN’s Adobe Connect streaming service. There you can watch as the participants work their way through the 56-page script for today’s key ceremony.
The key ceremony today began at 1:00pm US EDT (17:00 UTC) and will end at 5:00pm EDT (21:00 UTC).
The key ceremonies are part of the activities performed by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) under its contract to operate the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). As explained on the overview page:
Ceremonies are usually conducted four times a year to perform operations using the Root Key Signing Key, and involving Trusted Community Representatives. In a typical ceremony, the KSK is used to sign a set of operational ZSKs that will be used for a three month period to sign the DNS root zone. Other operations that may occur during ceremonies include installing new cryptographic officers, replacing hardware, or generating or replacing a KSK.
This ceremony today is to use the “master” root Key Signing Key (KSK) to generate a set of Zone Signing Keys (ZSKs) that will then be used until the next key ceremony. The “root key” is at the top of the “global chain of trust” that is used to ensure the correct validation of DNSSEC signatures (for more info see “The Two Sides of DNSSEC“) and so it is critical that the security and integrity of this root key be maintained. Ceremonies such as the one today are a part of that effort. If you are interested in learning more, today is a bit of a peek behind the curtain about how all of this happens.
This ceremony will be a bit different from other ones in that they will actually be replacing the Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) that are used to store the actual private key of the Root KSK. This process was explained in detail in a March 2015 blog post: ICANN Announces 2015 Hardware Security Module Replacement Project for the Root Key Signing Key. For those curious, the HSM replacement process starts on page 19 of today’s ceremony script.
Now, granted, occasionally watching people enter commands into a Linux command prompt may not necessarily be as exciting as watching rockets launch…
… but it’s still rather cool that we get to watch the whole process unfold remotely!
And… it’s much more than the command-line operations… you are also getting to see some of the people who hold parts of the keys at the root of DNSSEC do their parts in the actual ceremony. Some of them you may recognize from when we’ve written about them or from some of the articles they written or presentations they’ve made.
You also get to see some of the steps of the process up close:
If you can’t watch it live, it is being recorded and you can always go back and view it.
P.S. If you want to learn more about how to get started with DNSSEC, please visit our “Start Here” page to find resources focused on your type of role or organization.
Apr 07
TDYR 237 – Getting Reacquainted With Microsoft Windows
Apr 07
Deadline of April 10 to Apply For CARIS Workshop on Coordinating Response to Internet Attacks (Featured Blog)
Apr 07
46 Years of RFCs (Celebrating The Anniversary of RFC 1)
By way of a tweet from @IETF this morning, it was fun to note that it was 46 years ago today, on April 7, 1969, when the very first "Request for Comments" or "RFC" was issued by Steve Crocker. RFC 1 defined the "IMP software" used in the communication between hosts on the ARPAnet and makes for interesting reading today. Steve was in those days a graduate student at UCLA and 46 years later now serves as the Chairman of the Board of ICANN. Back in 1999, Steve offered some reflections in RFC 2555 on 30 years (at that time) of RFCs that included this bit about how it began:
Apr 06
The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #802: April 6, 2015
Thanks to Ragan Communications for their almost 8 years of sponsoring FIR; Gini Dietrich is guest co-host with Shel on the May 4 show while Neville is in Boston;
Quick News:
Collaborate/London intranet workshop from Igloo Software on April 16, alarming declines in social media among Inc 500, good advice in BBC’s updated social media guidelines, companies just aren’t listening to what reporters want from their online newsrooms; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop.
News That Fits:
Does it make sense to do online Q&As on Reddit, Twitter, etc?; Michael Netzley’s Asia Report: Gushcloud controversy and smear campaigns conducted by blogging cartels; would you use Periscope for employee communication as one CEO did?; listener comments in the FIR Podcast Community on Google+ and via email; The Economist study identifies Gen-narrators who could be effective brand advocates; Dan York’s Tech Report: Turkey blocks social networks, Flickr and the public domain, NASA space image library, and more; Igloo Software promo; the past week on the FIR Podcast Network; with social still treated as an ‘afterthought’ by PR agencies, we offer some advice;
Music from Adri-Ann Ralph; and more.
For Immediate Release: The Hobson and Holtz Report for April 6, 2015: An 87-minute podcast recorded live from Concord, California, USA, and Wokingham, Berkshire, England.
Links to websites, blog posts and other content we discuss in the show are posted as Delicious bookmarks to facilitate your connection with the discussions and sharing of that content.
So, until Monday April 13…
The post The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #802: April 6, 2015 appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.