Just a guy in Vermont trying to connect all the dots...
Author's posts
Sep 28
TDYR 266 – GIP “Digital Watch” platform provides excellent Internet Governance info
Sep 28
FIR #2: Volkswagen’s reputation crisis
Welcome to episode #2 of For Immediate Release, the successor podcast to The Hobson & Holtz Report
This week’s panel includes Redphlag CEO Gerry Corbett, former CustomScoop CEO Chip Griffin, and W20 Corporate and Strategy Director Lionel Menchaca. More details on the panel appear at the end of this post.
On today’s show, we explored the following topics:
- Volkswagen’s self-made crisis and what the company must do to rebuild trust with stakeholders including dealers, customers, and the public
- Speaking of rebuilding reputations, we discuss Brian Williams’ return to NBC (and his new reporting breaking news for MSNBC), and how Williams’ situation could be applied to a leader’s loss of credibility in any organization
- What do we really mean when we talk about the need for authenticity?
- The PR implications of commitments made at the Sustainable Development Summit
- Stephen Colbert has been interviewing tech CEOs, a departure from the usual late-night talk show fare. Should PR departments be wary of invitations to have their CEOs appear on similar programs?
- The Mayo Clinic’s content partnership with the Minneapolis Star Tribune and the ethical issues that could surround this and other similar agreements.
- The importance of building social connections at work, and the importance of face-to-face connections in developing those networks.
- The Wall Street Journal has revealed that Ray Lane, who was at the time chairman of Hewlett-Packard, tried to kill the disastrous $11 billion acquisition of Autonomy. What does a revelation about the company’s past mean to its present and its future?
- Heather Armstrong is giving up her ground-breaking mommy blog in the face of (among other things) extraordinary demands from sponsors. Could this be a trend in niche blogging verticals?
- What does it mean for Twitter and for users — especially communicators — that Twitter has enabled anybody to distribute a poll through the service?
Links to the source material for this episode are on Delicious.
Special thanks to Jay Moonah for the opening and closing music.
Join us next week for our third episode. Joining me on the panel will be Dan York, Zennifer Zingsheim Phillips, and Scott Monty.
About this week’s panel:
Gerry Corbett is Chair and CEO of strategic communications consulting firm Redphlag LLC., Founder and Partner of Wise Counsel, and CMO of real estate tech startup Producers Forum, Inc. in Palo Alto. He also is an award winning career coach, blogger and Past Chair & CEO of the 32,000 member Public Relations Society of America, having served as Chair and CEO in 2012. Gerry is a versatile branding, marketing, public relations and communications executive and coach having served four decades in senior marketing and communications roles at Global Fortune 100 firms and earlier in his career in aerospace engineering and information technology with Silicon Valley firms and NASA.
Chip Griffin is a writer and entrepreneur with a particular interest at the intersection of communications and technology. Chip has helped clients communicate more effectively through strategic messaging, writing, digital advice, and innovative web-based software. He sold one of his companies, CustomScoop, in the summer of 2015. After first getting involved with digital marketing and communications in the mid-1990’s, Chip became one of the first individuals to serve as a Chief Digital Officer of any major public relations firm. He has written for clients and publications for more than 20 years.
Lionel Menchaca serves as director of Corporate & Strategy for W2O Group. In this role, he helps clients of all sizes to develop content and engagement strategies so they can connect directly with customers. He’s worked extensively on social media training for organizations and on helping organizations build and launch employee advocacy programs. He also works with teams of developers to build tools companies need to manage an increasingly complex flow of content. Before W2O, Lionel worked at Dell for 18 years and was the founder and chief blogger of Direct2Dell, Dell’s main corporate blog. Over the last 7 years, Lionel authored hundreds of posts on behalf of Dell. He helped expand it into several continues to extend Dell’s global presence. Before the blog, Lionel was one of the main architects behind Dell’s blog monitoring process begun in April 2006. He was Dell’s first full time employee paid to handle social media efforts.
The post FIR #2: Volkswagen’s reputation crisis appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.
Sep 21
FIR #1: Does social media marketing need a reboot?
Welcome to the first episode of For Immediate Release, the successor podcast to The Hobson & Holtz Report.
Our panel this week includes Gini Dietrich, CEO of Arment-Dietrich, a Chicago-based public relations agency, and Frank Eliason, innovator of the Comcast Cares social media customer service program and former head of social media at Citi.
Today’s conversation addressed these stories:
- Josh Bernoff’s follow-up post to the blog-based conversation he and Augie Ray had about how close to death social media marketing is.
- Edelman has announced it will no longer work with coal-producing companies or any company that promote denial of climate change. Was this a PR move or is there substance behind the policy?
- Live streaming video is heating up, with new players from Facebook (with Facebook Live) to startup Blab, which one thought leader believes could overtake Periscope and Meerkat.
- Dan York’s Tech Report covers the release of the Wirecast Go beta, Skype’s outage and implications for business, and a broader discussion of the “messaging wars.”
- Google and Twitter are partnering to take on Facebook Instant Articles and Apple News.
- Some journalists are now balking at producing content for brands’ content marketing program.
- Mark Zuckerberg believes Virtual Reality could one day connect everyone in the world in a fully immersive, 3D environment, while Satya Nadella said the Augmented Reality product Microsoft is working on — HoloLens — will first have an impact in the enterprise where once you use it, you can never go back.
- Some companies — like Target, Southwest Airlines, and Amazon.com — are scoring viral hits with content foduced by front-line employees. Is this a sustainable model for other companies?
- Uber has produced a print publication, following in the footsteps of Airbnb. Does print still matter?
- Social media changes politics forever in Scotland where the YES campaign attracted 45% of the vote despite virtually no supportive coverage from mainstream media. What can that tell us about social media in the current U.S. presidential campaign?
Links to the source material for this episode are on Delicious.
Special thanks to Jay Moonah for the opening and closing music.
Join us next week for our second episode, with Chip Griffin, Gerry Corbett, and Lionel Menchaca.
The post FIR #1: Does social media marketing need a reboot? appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.
Sep 19
Four Years At The Internet Society
If I go back and read my long post here about joining ISOC in September 2011, my passion and motivation continues to be the same - if anything, that passion has only gotten stronger!
As I wrote about last year in my three-year post, the "Internet of opportunity" that we all value is under severe threat.
The big change for me this past year, was, of course, the big change of joining the Internet Society Strategic Communications team in March 2015 (you can also listen to an audio recording).
That's been a wonderful yet crazy change!
If you go back and look at what I wrote last year - or two years ago - it's all about the technology behind the Internet and how we need to improve the infrastructure to make the Internet work better, be faster and be more secure.
The change this year is that now I'm more involved in other areas of Internet Society work, particularly in the public policy space. You can see that in some of the posts I've been writing for the main ISOC blog (scroll down my bio page to see the list). I've been very involved in adding content to the public policy and Internet governance sections of the website - and I've been working on our overall content strategy for a range of different websites (whereas in the past I mostly just focused on the Deploy360 site).
I've also found myself involved in projects such as standing up a web site for our Call For an Open WSIS+10 Preparatory Process... which it was only after getting it all set up that I really sat back and realized we were coordinating a coalition of organizations that was calling on action from the President of the United Nations General Assembly! Quite a different level of advocacy than I've been involved with in the past! (And still open to sigantories, by the way...)
My new role this year has given me an amazing view about all the work the Internet Society is doing around the world... it's truly inspiring to see it all.
Perhaps most inspiring is to see that the work is ultimately about helping people have better lives. Yes, technology is definitely a large part... but the work we do is about how technology enables better communication, connection, collaboration, creativity and commerce... it's the effect on people that matters most.
The new role is crazy busy... I'm definitely NOT sitting around playing Solitaire or Tetris! :-)
But we have a great team... and we as an overall organization are working on getting more focused on what activities we can do to have the biggest impact on ensuring the "Internet of opportunity" is available for all.
I'm VERY much looking forward to what the fifth year brings!
P.S. Recently Russ White published a very nice overview of the Internet Society on the PacketPushers site - and if you're interested, becoming a member of the Internet Society is free and can connect you to others around the world who want to see an open Internet available to all!
An audio commentary is also available:
Sep 19
TDYR 265 – Four Years At The Internet Society
Sep 18
TDYR 264 – Reflections on a week in Geneva/Nyon
Sep 16
TDYR 263 – The Frustration of WiFi Captive Portals – And The Work We need To Fo To Fix Them
Sep 11
Google Stats Now Showing Over 8% IPv6
A nice way to end a Friday afternoon… I happened to look at Google’s IPv6 statistics for the first time in a while and see that they’ve climbed up over 8%!
We’ve kind of stopped celebrating each individual percentage point because the reality is the graph just keeps on going up and to the right in the direction we want!
Still, this was a nice way to end the work week. Looking forward to celebrating a bit more when they hit 10%!
P.S. As the graph shows, IPv6 at this point is on the trajectory where it is just going to happen … if you haven’t already started figuring out what to do, please do look at our Start Here page to understand how you can get started transitioning your networks, devices and applications to make sure they’re ready!
Sep 07