Just a guy in Vermont trying to connect all the dots...
Author's posts
Oct 02
Watch DNS-OARC Live This Weekend For DNSSEC, DANE, DNS Privacy and more
This weekend in Montreal the OARC Fall 2015 Workshop will take place filled with all sorts of excellent talks about DNSSEC, DANE, DNS privacy, DNS performance and much, much more. The best part is that if you can’t get there in person, you can watch the live video stream on YouTube at:
All the sessions will also be recorded for later viewing. The sessions most interesting to remote viewers start at 14:00 US EDT (UTC-4) on Saturday, October 3, 2015, and include these:
- An Overview of DNS Privacy Mechanisms
- Using TLS for DNS privacy in practice
- Next Steps in DANE Adoption
- Benchmarking of authoritative DNS servers and DNSSEC impact assessment
Sunday morning (October 4) brings a whole set of “DNS security” talks related to DDoS attacks and attacks against DNS servers. There are performance-related talks, detailed research sessions, and a whole set of talks related to DNS resolvers, including an exploration of IPv6 vs IPv4 performance.
There were so many interesting proposals to DNS-OARC this time that some of them occupy the Monday DNS Track inside of NANOG 65. Again there look to be some great DNSSEC topics including a session about the KSK Key Rollover. (One note: I’m not sure if the live stream on Monday will still be on the DNS-OARC YouTube channel – the NANOG agenda only says it will be “recorded”.)
All in all it looks to be a great event! Due to a personal scheduling conflict, I won’t be there in person… but I intend to watch a few of the sessions, either live or later.
And if you want to get started NOW with deploying DNSSEC, please visit our Start Here page to learn more!
Oct 01
Sep 30
Watch Live Oct 1 – Dyn’s Techtoberfest: Internet Trends, Security, Net Neutrality and More (Featured Blog)
Sep 30
Slides: Intro to IPv6 by Olle Johansson
I noticed recently that my friend Olle Johansson had posted this nice intro to IPv6 from a presentation he gave back in March:
What I like about it is that he provides some of the motivation for why we need to care about IPv6.
Sep 30
Slides: Intro to IPv6 by Olle Johansson
I noticed recently that my friend Olle Johansson had posted this nice intro to IPv6 from a presentation he gave back in March:
What I like about it is that he provides some of the motivation for why we need to care about IPv6.
Sep 30
Keynote at AstriCon on Oct 14: Open Source And The Global Disruption Of Telecom – What Choices Will We Make?
Two weeks from today I'll be in Orlando giving the opening keynote address at AstriCon 2015. The abstract of the session is:
Open Source And The Global Disruption Of Telecom - What Choices Will We Make?
Wednesday, October 14th, 2015 - 9:00 am to 9:45 am - Pacifica Ballroom 7
There is a battle raging for the global future of telecommunications and the Internet. Taking place in networks, board rooms and legislatures, the battle will determine how we all communicate and what opportunities will exist. Will telecom support innovation? Will it be accessible to all? Will it give us the level of security and privacy we need to have the open, trusted Internet? Or will it be restricted and limited by corporate or government gatekeepers?
The rise of voice-over-IP has fundamentally disrupted the massive global telecommunications industry, infrastructure and policies. Open source software such as Asterisk has been a huge driver of that disruption and innovation.. but now what? What role do platforms such as Asterisk play in this space? And what can be their role in a telecom infrastructure that is now mobile, increasingly embedded (Internet of Things) and more and more using proprietary walled gardens of communication?
Join the Internet Society's Dan York in an exploration of what the future holds for telecom infrastructure and policy - and how the choices we make will determine that future.
Sounds great, eh?
Now I just have to deliver on that lofty rhetoric! :-)
Seriously, though, I'm very much looking forward to giving this presentation and I'm delighted that the folks at Digium asked me to speak. We're at a critical time in the evolution of our global communications infrastructure... with everything moving to IP and also moving to mobile, there are incredibly important choices we have to make for our future.
In the talk, I'll be speaking about the scenarios we have for what our future Internet could look like. I'll be talking about the role of open source. I'll be challenging the audience with some questions to ponder. I'll touch on some of the incredibly important - yet hard to understand - global policy issues such as the upcoming WSIS+10 Review in December - and why an open source developer should even remotely care! I'll of course hit on security issues and the rise of mobile... and more...
I'm excited!
I'm also excited to finally attend an AstriCon event. I used to write about Asterisk a good bit and for a while was running my own server in my home office for VoIP... but in all that time I never was able to work in attending an AstriCon!
If you are going to be there in Orlando, please do say hello! (There's still time to register!)
P.S. And yes, Olle Johansson, I'll be sure to work in at least one reference to IPv6! And TLS, too! Don't worry! :-)
Sep 30
Traceroute to bad.horse provides amusing results
For network geeks, this is rather amusing… someone was obviously a bit bored some day and had a bit of fun! This was what it looked like on my Mac right now. (Hat tip to Michele Neylon for first pointing this out to me in some social media channel.)
$ traceroute bad.horse traceroute to bad.horse (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets 1 ( 0.663 ms 0.537 ms 0.277 ms 2 cpe-74-69-224-1.ne.res.rr.com ( 34.913 ms 30.602 ms 28.762 ms 3 tge0-0-1.keennhfi02h.northeast.rr.com ( 28.827 ms 30.120 ms 21.132 ms 4 agg47.sebgme0302r.northeast.rr.com ( 19.262 ms 22.382 ms 19.438 ms 5 be25.rochnyei01r.northeast.rr.com ( 30.941 ms 32.204 ms 36.969 ms 6 bu-ether35.chcgildt87w-bcr00.tbone.rr.com ( 48.409 ms bu-ether45.chcgildt87w-bcr00.tbone.rr.com ( 45.363 ms 46.521 ms 7 0.ae1.pr1.chi10.tbone.rr.com ( 44.828 ms 46.147 ms 46.715 ms 8 ( 46.134 ms ( 44.569 ms 45.409 ms 9 ( 102.968 ms 101.157 ms 99.935 ms 10 te-4-1-0.rar3.denver-co.us.xo.net ( 99.752 ms 102.249 ms 100.301 ms 11 ( 98.776 ms 97.968 ms 98.756 ms 12 ( 97.956 ms 95.644 ms 96.459 ms 13 * * * 14 166-70-1-5.xmission.com ( 96.024 ms 96.826 ms 97.406 ms 15 t01.saltv1.ut.us.sn11.net ( 87.981 ms 97.264 ms 86.158 ms 16 sandwichnet.dmarc.lga1.atlanticmetro.net ( 89.937 ms 86.768 ms 87.949 ms 17 bad.horse ( 88.073 ms 87.895 ms 86.609 ms 18 bad.horse ( 93.351 ms 92.933 ms 90.876 ms 19 bad.horse ( 115.629 ms 96.391 ms 96.864 ms 20 bad.horse ( 101.257 ms 102.472 ms 102.213 ms 21 he.rides.across.the.nation ( 108.059 ms 107.064 ms 108.290 ms 22 the.thoroughbred.of.sin ( 111.206 ms 110.611 ms 109.944 ms 23 he.got.the.application ( 116.866 ms 117.842 ms 115.659 ms 24 that.you.just.sent.in ( 120.375 ms 123.519 ms 121.631 ms 25 it.needs.evaluation ( 127.377 ms 126.769 ms 127.779 ms 26 so.let.the.games.begin ( 132.761 ms 132.705 ms 131.315 ms 27 a.heinous.crime ( 136.769 ms 136.045 ms 137.322 ms 28 a.show.of.force ( 141.842 ms 141.447 ms 148.635 ms 29 a.murder.would.be.nice.of.course ( 146.332 ms 147.854 ms 146.570 ms 30 bad.horse ( 149.928 ms 150.487 ms 152.083 ms 31 bad.horse ( 157.190 ms 156.693 ms 155.737 ms 32 bad.horse ( 160.201 ms 161.399 ms 159.623 ms 33 he-s.bad ( 166.007 ms 165.738 ms 165.244 ms 34 the.evil.league.of.evil ( 171.012 ms 170.984 ms 172.062 ms 35 is.watching.so.beware ( 176.041 ms 174.358 ms 176.463 ms 36 the.grade.that.you.receive ( 181.276 ms 178.815 ms 180.667 ms 37 will.be.your.last.we.swear ( 188.481 ms 185.823 ms 188.627 ms 38 so.make.the.bad.horse.gleeful ( 194.008 ms 189.161 ms 193.114 ms 39 or.he-ll.make.you.his.mare ( 198.708 ms 195.870 ms 195.894 ms 40 o_o ( 200.037 ms 200.691 ms 201.280 ms 41 you-re.saddled.up ( 207.748 ms 206.896 ms 205.608 ms 42 there-s.no.recourse ( 211.288 ms 219.062 ms 212.026 ms 43 it-s.hi-ho.silver ( 216.961 ms 218.367 ms 216.492 ms 44 signed.bad.horse ( 214.262 ms 218.125 ms 215.096 ms
Sep 30
UPDATE: Will iOS 9 Make My iPad2 Usable Again? (Reports after the upgrade.)
Back in June, I published a post titled "Will iOS 9 Make My iPad2 Usable Again?" that seemed to strike a nerve with the legions of iPad2 owners out there wondering about the future of their device. There have been a good number of comments on the original post - and I've received a fair number of private email messages asking how my upgrade went. The question now being asked is:
Does iOS 9 make your iPad 2 run BETTER?
Sadly, the best answer seems to be...
Reports have been decidedly mixed, both in the media as well as in the comments to that June blog post here. Some people reported improvements while others said it was the same (or worse).
A couple of people (one example) have reported that after upgrading to iOS 9 and then doing a factory reset the performance dramatically improved. The issue there, though, as I understand it, is that you lose all your apps, settings, etc. and would basically need to completely rebuild how you have the iPad 2 set up. However, if the alternative is not using it, I guess that's an option to consider.
ArsTechnica published an article on September 16 with the conclusion "Not worse than iOS 8, but missing many features" that noted that many of the new features in iOS 9 simply don't work on the iPad 2. They noted that the speed improvements are not significant. There's a lengthy comment thread there, too.
In my own case, I haven't really seen any dramatic benefits after the upgrade. Quite honestly I've been too insanely busy with work activities that I haven't really had the chance to give it much of a test. I do like the new keyboard layout. Some of the cosmetic changes are nice.
It's still sllllooowww to launch applications and to switch between them.
Maybe I'll try the factory reset route and rebuild the device... or just accept the slowness of it.
Given that I keep getting messages asking me my opinion, I'll summarize my view at this moment:
- If your iPad 2 already runs iOS 8, UPGRADE! Performance can't really get any worse than iOS 8, and might just get better.
- If your iPad 2 is still on iOS 7... well... think about it.
On this last point...there's a challenge here - if all you want to do is browse the web and send/receive email, you may be okay keeping your iPad running quickly on iOS 7.
... you are increasingly going to find that apps aren't available for iOS 7. As Andrew Cunningham writes in that Ars Technica article:
not because you won't take a small performance hit but because developers will increasingly abandon that older OS version if they haven't already. Apple's iOS updates roll out quickly, but the downside of that is that there's not a ton of incentive for developers to support older releases forever and ever. It's common for developers to support the current release and the immediately previous release, but starting today that doesn't cover iOS 7 anymore.
So the choice may be between a snappy web browser tablet or a slow tablet with newer apps. Or... time to upgrade. :-)
If I get a chance to really use the iPad 2 and write more of a response, I will do so, but meanwhile I thought I'd share these initial thoughts and links.
Your comments are welcome about your own experience...
Photo credit: an image of a massive glacier by David Stanley on Flickr
Sep 29
Bandwidth, Beer and Bratwurst – Speaking Security at Dyn’s TechToberFest on October 1
What do bandwidth, beer and bratwurst have to do with each other? Well... it is true that many Internet networking challenges have been worked out over beers between network operators, but in this case the link between the terms came in a tweet from Dyn promoting their TechToberFest event happening this Thursday, October 1, 2015, at their headquarters in Manchester, NH.