Just a guy in Vermont trying to connect all the dots...
Author's posts
Sep 04
The biopsy results are back… no more cancer!
The call came this morning, right as my regular weekly Strategic Communications team meeting was starting up. Once I saw the call was the Burlington hospital, I muted my connection, shut off the video ... and waited breathlessly for the news...
The surgeon was delighted to call and say... no more cancer was found in the colon walls or lymph nodes!
It's done. Finished. Fertig.
I'm as close to "cancer-free" as anyone with colon cancer can be.
No further tests needed. No chemo. No other treatments. I'll go back in about three months for a "flexible sigmoidoscopy" where they'll use a probe to check how my reconnected colon looks. And they'll monitor my colon more often (which presumably will mean colonoscopies at more frequent intervals). But that's it. (Yes, I still have further recovery from surgery ahead of me, but that's moving ahead well right now.)
There are no words to truly express the relief washing over me and my family right now.
As I said in my original post, if a colonoscopy is recommended for you, don't delay, just do it!
The test caught my cancer early. Had I waited and delayed the test months or years... the cancer could have spread so much farther... and this would have been a much different post to write.
There are no words to capture the relief, joy and happiness of right now.
Image: a photo I took of part of the Burlington harbor from the patio of the restaurant where we had a celebration dinner tonight. Yes, the Burlington area is a gorgeous area in which to live!
Sep 04
TDYR 354 – Colon Cancer, Colonoscopies, Vermont, and Recovering from Surgery
Sep 04
TDYR 354 – Colon Cancer, Colonoscopies, Vermont, and Recovering from Surgery
Sep 03
Post-surgery recovery: Every day brings a series of small victories
I put on pants today.
Shorts, even.
With a belt!
This was a BIG deal.
It's not that I haven't been wearing pants 😉 ... but that I've only been able to wear running pants with an elastic waste since leaving the hospital on Thursady. My stomach was too bloated from the surgery and it hurt too much to wear anything else.
Until today.
Another small victory!
Never having had surgery before, I'm learning what countless others have learned before me - that each day brings a series of small victories, without hopefully any major defeats along the way.
To follow on my previous post, I did go in for surgery for colon cancer last Tuesday, August 28th. Technically, I guess it was a "Sigmoid Colon Resection" because I was diagnosed with "Malignant Neoplasm Of Sigmoid Colon", but let's put that in plain language...
"They found a small bit of cancer in my colon and so they went in and cut out about 12 inches of my colon and re-attached the other sections to each other."
A high-tech fix of my internal plumbing. Slice out a bad section and re-connect the other open ends.
I went in at 11am and woke up several hours later in a hospital bed feeling like someone had stabbed me and cut me in the stomach! I also apparently had a rather pleasant conversation with my family... of which I remember absolutely nothing! Some time later when the anesthesia fully wore off, I was able to see them all and remember.
I was in the hospital all day on Wednesday but then by Thursday morning I was able to go home!
All along the way it was this series of small but ever-so-important victories! Passing gas and pooping turned out to be the first critical steps... which makes sense given that you want to be sure the pipes got all reconnected.
Then it was walking around the hospital floor, eating solid food, drinking lots of water, etc.
After coming home it was climbing the steps... taking a long, slow, slow, slow walk around the neighborhood. Trying to find some comfortable way to sleep. And so on.
Then it moved on to walking at a more normal pace and moving around more regularly. Saturday we walked around Church Street (photo above) and the Burlington Farmers Market. Sunday I drove the minivan and we took the ferry across Lake Champlain to visit Essex, NY. Today I put on pants. 😊
It's not all normal, of course. I tire easily and have needed afternoon naps. I'm still not sleeping through the night. And I have metal staples protruding from my stomach that I have to be very careful about! While I can eat almost everything, a big restriction is on raw fruits and vegetables, which is something I enjoy eating. (Raw fruits and vegetables (except bananas) turn out to be harder to digest, particularly the skins, and the doctors want only soft things passing through my newly-reconnected colon. (Cooked and mushy vegetables are fine.))
I'm very amazed and obviously pleased at how the recovery is going. The doctors had said that patients were generally in the hospital for 1-5 days, with most people being in 2-3 days... I'm glad I wound up on the low end of that. I'm also pleased that so far I've been able to manage the pain using only the Tylenol and have not had to use any narcotics/opiods.
Thank you to the many who have held me in their thoughts and prayers, or sent positive thoughts, or who just sent me nice messages. All seems good so far.
Tomorrow I'll try being back at work for a bit. Somewhere in here I'll get the staples out (10 days-ish).
Each day a few more victories!
Now, we just wait for the biopsies, which should come "in a week or so". Sigh...
Aug 30
Call for Participation – ICANN DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN63 Barcelona
Do you have a great idea about DNSSEC or DANE that you’d like to share with the wider community? If so, and you’re planning to be in Barcelona, Spain for ICANN63 in October 2018, submit a proposal to present your idea at the DNSSEC Workshop!
Send a brief (1-2 sentence) description of your proposed presentation to dnssec-barcelona@isoc.org by Friday, 07 September 2018.
The DNSSEC Deployment Initiative and the Internet Society Deploy360 Programme, in cooperation with the ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC), are planning a DNSSEC Workshop during the ICANN63 meeting held from 20-25 October 2018 in Barcelona, Spain. The DNSSEC Workshop has been a part of ICANN meetings for several years and has provided a forum for both experienced and new people to meet, present and discuss current and future DNSSEC deployments.
The post Call for Participation – ICANN DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN63 Barcelona appeared first on Internet Society.
Aug 21
The Big C Returns As Colon Cancer… and with me this time
"I'm sorry, but unfortunately one of your polyps tested positive for colon cancer."
Not the phone call you want to receive at 4:00pm on a Friday afternoon. Especially one week before you are about to buy a house in Vermont and start the process of relocating your family - and leaving behind your friends, other family members, and your whole "support system"!
In truth, not a phone call you EVER want to receive.
But I did get that call on June 29, 2018. And after many more tests, discussions and agonizing analysis, I'll be entering the hospital in a week, on August 28, to have my "sigmoid" removed - something I honestly didn't even know I had until about three weeks ago!
So a key message to all my friends and readers (and the "TL;DR" summary for this very long post):
Get your colonoscopy when you turn 50!
Don't delay. Don't wait. Just do it.
Here in the USA when we hit the magical age of 50[1], the healthcare system strongly recommends that we get a whole suite of various tests done. Perhaps the least favorite of those is the "screening colonoscopy", largely because the preparation is a huge, uncomfortable process. And, let's be honest, who really wants to have a metal probe stuck up their bottom?
But do it.
I almost didn't. As it was, I delayed doing it for 8 months. And with our decision to uproot our lives and move to Vermont, it was EXTREMELY tempting to push it off and "just wait until we are settled" ... which probably would have been next year... or the year after... or who knows when.
Had I delayed, the one very small cancerous "polyp" might have spread to much more of my colon. Or it might have spread ("metastasized" in cancer-speak) into other parts of my body and re-appeared as lung cancer or liver cancer or brain cancer or something else. (Or, in the annoying ways of cancer, it might not have done anything and just still been there alone - but do you want to take that chance?)
I was lucky. The test worked. The cancer was found very early. By all signs after the surgery next week I should be good to go for a long time ahead.
So don't wait. Just do it.
The longer story...
When the doctor at the Cheshire Medical Center in Keene, NH, did my colonoscopy, he found three small "polyps". Think of a polyp as a tiny growth shaped kind of like a lollipop. And by "tiny", all of these were 2-5 millimeters in width - not much more than a couple of hairs!
This was on Wednesday, June 27. The doctor thought they all looked small and, while we had to wait for the tests ("biopsies"), his initial reaction was that they did NOT look like they were cancerous. (They looked "benign" in medical lingo.)
So I went home with the attitude "Okay... done the colonoscopy thing. I can now forget about this until the next one in 10 years and focus on packing more boxes."
After all, other than needing to lose maybe 30 pounds, I'm in good physical condition. I have no medical issues. I'm not on any medications. I run a good bit - and past tests have shown my heart in good shape. All my routine physical tests and blood work at 50 show me to be in good health.
Except, it turns out, for that one damn polyp.
That call on Friday (two days later) led to a rush of tests the following week - a MRI, more blood tests, and a "flexible sigmoidoscopy" (a mini-colonoscopy where they just go in a little ways... and you can be conscious and watch it on the computer monitor!). Lori and I had all the agony of the question - "shall we pull the plug on this whole Vermont move?" It was INSANELY stressful.
The good news was - everything came back negative. No markers in my blood for cancer. No cancer found in any of the biopsies of the additional samples they took in the colon wall around where the polyp was found.
In theory, the one polyp they found might have been ALL the cancer in my body!
Now that they removed it, I might be "cancer free".
However... the cancer was unfortunately not just in the main "head" part of the polyp, it was also all the way down the "stem" (think of a lollipop).
It could have gone into the wall of the colon, somewhere beyond where they were able to sample. It could have gone out into the lymph nodes surrounding the colon - and could hang out there for a while before it goes somewhere else in my body. There were no signs of it anywhere, but the current state of our technology is such that we can't really know.
And... apparently the precise kind of cancer they found was a more aggressive one that could "metastasize" into other forms of cancer elsewhere in my body.
So, after being reviewed by my new set of doctors at the UVM Medical Center in Burlington, VT, and after more tests (including another video tour of my lower colon), the surgeon presented a rather binary choice:
- DO NOTHING and just keep monitoring it. There is a small 2-5% chance that the cancer could come back. Or, to flip that around, there is a 95 - 98% chance that I have no more cancer and could live the rest of my life without ever being affected by this particular cancer.
- HAVE SURGERY to remove the "sigmoid" (lower part of what I thought was all the "colon") and reconnect the other parts of the colon. This will allow them to completely test the colon walls and surrounding lymph nodes in the removed section to see if there is any more cancer. BUT... it comes with it's own 2-3% chance that there could be complications with the surgery - and some of those could be nasty.
He said he's had patients make either choice - and it really comes down to my own personal comfort level with either the surgery or living with the risk.
Ugh. Did I mention that I'm in otherwise good health? And so do I really want to mess that up by having people go in, cut me up, and re-arrange my plumbing?
But the choice is clear to me. Lori and I have been down this road before. We both learned far more than we ever imagined about cancer after she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011 - and after she had surgery and subsequent rounds of chemotherapy and more.
We live every day with the specter of her cancer looming in the background. Unlike what they tell me about my colon cancer after surgery, her cancer could come back at any time. And in some other form. You're never really "cured" of breast cancer. Even after all she has done - and the absolute hell she has put her body through, it could still be there lurking. So you learn to be grateful for every day you have.
So, hell yeah, I want to know, even with all my many concerns about the surgery (and never having had surgery before). I don't want a second specter lurking around.
From what I've now learned, colon cancer is much more localized than breast cancer or other forms. If they go in, take out the sigmoid and the surrounding lymph nodes, they can test it all and give me fairly solid results.
In the best case, they find nothing and I can be reasonably sure they got it all. I'll be as close to "cancer free" as someone with colon cancer can be. (There are NO guarantees.)
In the worst case, they find more cancer cells and then we will have to talk chemotherapy or something else.
Either way, we'll know more.
So one week from today I'll be entering the UVM Medical Center. They say I will need to stay there for typically 2-3 days to recover. (Visitors will be welcome!) In theory I'll be able to resume everything I've been doing - and by 3-4 weeks out I should be more or less back to usual activities. I'll now be getting more monitoring and more frequent colonoscopies (oh, joy!), but the theory goes that, in the best case, this should be the end of it.
The good news out of this (as I have to keep reminding myself!) is that the screening colonoscopy WORKED!
The test found the cancer early. Because of that, there is a very strong chance that after this surgery I'll be all set and won't have to worry about this again. I'll be alive and able to live for as many decades (or days) as I have ahead of me. I'll be able to watch my daughters grow up and to live long with Lori.
I'm so grateful to the doctors and technicians - and for the fact that I have access to tests like this (and insurance that covers it). And perhaps most of all... for the fact that I didn't delay having the test even more than I already had.
I write all of this story because, as a writer, this is HOW I process things. The act of putting words down on a screen... the act of naming in words those fears... those actions are how my brain makes things real.
I share this publicly in the hopes that perhaps MY story will help someone else take actions that may help them live a longer life. (Even if you make a different choice than I did.)
So, again, I will say to anyone reading - if you are recommended to get a colonoscopy, DO IT!
[1] The American Cancer Society is now (May 2018) recommending that colon cancer screening start at age 45 versus 50, but I don't know that that recommendation has yet made its way out to healthcare providers and insurance companies.
Image: a photo I took of the Burlington harbor. I just thought I'd use it as a reminder of the beauty of life around me.
Jul 28
Moose and bear – the perils of Vermont highways
“BEAR CROSSING - STAY ALERT” The bright yellow sign shouts its warning to me from the side of Interstate 91. I am in the middle of Vermont. There are few people here. Most of the time I-91 has walls of trees on either side, occasionally broken by amazing mountain views or scenic views of small towns.
And so we are warned of bears and... moose!
I have seen the photos of damage caused by moose. You have a 2,000 pound animal on thin, spindley legs. Knock out the legs and the main bulk of the body comes crashing down on you! New Hampshire has regular warnings about the number of people who have died due to moose collisions up in the northern part of the state.
Bears, though, are new. Not sure what I would do if I saw one. 😬
Jul 27
The fascinating flow of free stuff from in front of our house
“FREE” says the sign pinned to the telephone pole in front of our house. And as we put out items, they usually disappear within a few hours.
It’s been a fascinating aspect of living where we do in Keene, New Hampshire. We live on a fairly busy cross street, and so a good number of people are driving by.
And they do stop and take the stuff we put on the street. All of it.
Maybe it is part of being a college town. Maybe it is the huge number of people we see going to yard sales. Maybe it is Yankee frugality. Maybe it is just human nature.
But it has been fun - and incredibly useful. Just put it out on the grassy strip between the sidewalk and the road... and wait a bit.
And ALL sorts of things. Just yesterday I put out two plastic shelving units from our shed that had gas and oil stains. I honestly thought I would be bringing them to the dump... but no, I looked an hour or so later and they were gone.
I will miss this culture of picking up free stuff. Our new home in Vermont is in a quieter neighborhood with very little traffic... so this won’t work.
Meanwhile, at least for the next few days, I will keep putting stuff out there... 🙂
Jul 26
Revisiting a Not-So-New Rule – No Social Media Usage Until I Have Created Something New
I woke up this morning frustrated that I simply haven’t been writing across my various sites. In theory I am a “writer”, but I haven’t been writing! And as I wrote in My 3 Words for 2018: “because if I don't write... the stories build up inside of me until they want to explode like a pressure cooker without a relief valve. Writing is my relief valve. I need to do it.”
So I said to myself- I know, I will impose a new rule on myself... no social media usage until I publish something new! A blog post, a podcast episode (such as my The Dan York Report short audio segments), an article on some site (ex CircleID), a longer update on a social site... something.... anything.... BEFORE I get sucked into the vortex of social media updates.
And I will start with a blog post like this one...
Except... I discovered I WROTE THE EXACT SAME POST TWO YEARS AGO! July 24, 2016, to be precise.
And... I noted that on day #2, July 25, 2016, I had already failed. ☹️
So this morning’s great idea turns out to be nothing new.
In fact, I can go back 10 years ago, to a post in September 2008, where I wrote about Jeremiah Owyang’s “Pay yourself first” philosophy. Or may many other posts about struggling with consistent writing.
Now, maybe this rule is like the “no sweets today” diet rule that turns out to be an aspiration that just doesn’t happen. And maybe EVERY day is too high a goal. Maybe every other day. But I have to do something, or consumption will win over creation.
Unless, of course, I want to reframe my own perspective and think of myself as an “occasional writer”... and just accept only writing now and then
I am not quite ready for that. Let’s see how I do this year!
Jul 18