Dan York

Just a guy in Vermont trying to connect all the dots...

Author's posts

TDYR 386 – Celebrating 10 Years of the iPad – what do I think about it?

It was 10 years ago, on January 27, 2010, that Steve Jobs stood on stage and announced the iPad. In this episode I reflect on all the ways that I personally have found the iPad to be useful (including curling!). What do YOU think about the iPad? Have you found it useful? If so, how? If not, what didn’t work for you? Links I referred to in the article: - https://twitter.com/stevesi/status/1221853721363013632?s=21 - https://daringfireball.net/2020/01/the_ipad_awkwardly_turns_10 [Note: this episode was planned entirely on an iPad (using MindNode to create a mind map), recorded on an iPhone, and then uploaded to SoundCloud using an iPad.]

Call for Participation – ICANN DNSSEC and Security Workshop at ICANN67, Cancun, Mexico (Featured Blog)

The ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) and the Internet Society Deploy360 Programme are planning a DNSSEC and Security Workshop during the ICANN67 meeting held from 07-12 March 2020 in Cancun, Mexico. The original DNSSEC Workshop has been a part of ICANN meetings for many years and has provided a forum for both experienced and new people to meet, present, and discuss current and future DNSSEC deployments. More...

Call for Participation – ICANN DNSSEC and Security Workshop at ICANN67, Cancun, Mexico (Featured Blog)

The ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) and the Internet Society Deploy360 Programme are planning a DNSSEC and Security Workshop during the ICANN67 meeting held from 07-12 March 2020 in Cancun, Mexico. The original DNSSEC Workshop has been a part of ICANN meetings for many years and has provided a forum for both experienced and new people to meet, present, and discuss current and future DNSSEC deployments. More...

Call for Participation — ICANN DNSSEC and Security Workshop at ICANN67, Cancun, Mexico (Featured Blog)


TDYR 385 – My 4 Words for 2020

Since 2010, I've started the new year with a blog post about my 3 or 4 themes or aspirations for the new year. This year I've published that at https://www.danyork.com/2020/01/my-4-words-for-2020.html - and this episode talks more about what I'm hoping to do in 2020.

TDYR 384 Failing at NaPodPoMo A Second Time

Recorded back on December 1, 2019, this episode recaps how and why I failed at "National Podcast Post Month" (NaPodPoMo) a second time. I was SO prepared... I had outlines... I had a whole month of episodes planned out... I just hadn't counted on one thing...

My 4 Words for 2020

2020-3-wordsAs I have for every year since 2010 (see list), I decided to start out 2020 with four words that are aspirations for the "themes" of my activities in this next year.

In truth... this 2020 post is really just a re-do of the 2019 post - read that one first. Basically, it's the same with one addition.


Still working on this. Doing some more exercise and trying to reduce the amount of carbs and sugar. Let's see what happens.


Still want to work on this. I had a period in November 2019 where I tried with NaPodPoMo to get more content out there, at least in audio form.


Still struggling to figure out the best path to connecting with people locally... trying a few different paths... but it's proving to be a bit challenging in the midst of our modern lives.


One more concrete goal for 2020 is to build on that "P.S." I had in 2019 and actually learn a bit more Français! In 2020 I've signed up for some face-to-face French classes with a local (Vermont) organization, and I'm also planning to put some time into some software and apps. We'll see!

What about you? What are you thinking about for 2020?


An audio version is available:

Experimenting with Gutenberg 7.1

I’m just experimenting with version 7.1 of the Gutenberg plugin. Released today (Dec 11, 2019), the release notes indicate substantial changes, particularly in the UI.

So this is just an experimental post (because that is what this site is all about!).

Things I am looking forward to over the next few weeks:

  • Time with family around the holidays.
  • Release of season 4 of The Expanse on Friday, December 13.
  • Release of Star Wars IX on Friday, December 20

Sadly, it does not look like the team fixed the issue where you cannot change the text color of List blocks. To be clear, they did NOT say they were going to! I was just wondering if one of the other features would help with that.

The table functionality keeps getting better and better… although I can’t seem to find the header menu to switch between edit and select tools.

Some headingAnother headingOne more heading
This is my table

My menu when inside the table does not look like what I see in the Github issue. (Perhaps I have to use a different WordPress theme?)

All in all very cool stuff

TDYR 383 – Abandoning Slides and Presenting Using MindNode in Focus Mode

Why not try something different than just presenting with slides? In this episode I talk about how I recently used MindNode to present a talk using its "Focus" mode and some trackpad zooming to give a different style of presenting. More info about MindNode's Focus mode: https://mindnode.com/news/2019-04-24-mindnode-6-has-arrived And the mind map I presented this week is at: https://my.mindnode.com/YDJYKxKp2y1jbd4XENeNpmHdZWaqFVW6aKTwqgyn#869.0,-2412.0,2

TDYR 382 – Remote Working, Part 3: What are some LESSONS LEARNED about working remotely?

What are some LESSONS LEARNED since I first started working in a home office 20 years ago? In this final Part 3, I talk about the lessons I have learned that have helped me thrive working remotely from a home office, and I also share lessons that others shared with me on Twitter. Episode 380 covered the benefits of remote working. Episode 381 covered the disadvantages, and then this episode wraps it all up. I would love to hear your comments - are there lessons YOU have learned that I didn't cover? Please leave a comment! (Twitter thread: https://twitter.com/danyork/status/1182606706485977088 ) Episode 380 - Benefits - https://soundcloud.com/danyork/tdyr-380-remote-working-part-1-what-are-the-benefits-of-working-from-home Episode 381 - Disadvantages - https://soundcloud.com/danyork/tdyr-381-remote-working-part-2-what-are-the-disadvantages-of-working-from-home