Just a guy in Vermont trying to connect all the dots...
Author's posts
Feb 24
TypePad To Start Using Akismet To Fight Blog Comment Spam
All my new blogs and other sites are over on WordPress where I've been very happy with the anti-spam services that I get from Akismet. (And some day I'd like to move this blog and Disruptive Telephony over to WordPress, too - if only I can carve out the considerable time that will be involved with the move.)
I'm pleased to see TypePad moving this way. It may not be enough to get me to stop using full moderation on my articles... but hopefully it should mean fewer spam comments to look at in the admin interface.
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Feb 24
TDYR #110 – The Power Of Hacker News And Reddit To Drive Attention To Your Content
Feb 24
3 Sessions About Securing BGP At IETF89 Next Week
Next week at IETF 89 in London there will be a good bit of discussion around the security and resilience of the Internet’s routing infrastructure. Given our interest in securing BGP, members of our team will be attending the SIDR, GROW and IDR Working Groups next week and engaging in other routing discussions as well.
My colleague Andrei Robachevsky wrote about routing as part of the IETF 89 “Rough Guide” today and explained some of the activities that will be happening during the week. I’d encourage you to read his post as he goes into some detail about the different drafts that are being considered by the three working groups.
Relevant Working Groups
SIDR (Secure Inter-Domain Routing)
Tuesday, March 4, 0900-1130 UTC, Balmoral Room
WG Agenda: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/89/agenda/sidr/
Documents: https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/sidr/
Charter: https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/sidr/charter/
GROW (Global Routing Operations)
Tuesday, March 4, 1300-1400 UTC, Blenheim Room
WG Agenda: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/89/agenda/grow/ (not yet available)
Documents: https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/grow/
Charter: https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/grow/charter/
IDR (Inter-Domain Routing Working Group)
Thursday, March 6, 1300-1500 UTC, Blenheim Room
WG Agenda: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/89/agenda/idr
Documents: https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/idr/
Charter: https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/idr/charter/
Remote Participation
You don’t have to be in London to participate in the meetings of IETF 89. You can also:
- Listen to live audio streams.
- Participate in Jabber chat rooms to ask questions.
- Download the slides planned for each session.
- Listen and watch “Meetecho” conferencing sessions that provide an integrated view of slides, audio, chat and video.
Information about how to participate can be found on the IETF 89 Remote Participation page. Keep in mind that times for London are in UTC.
Feb 24
FIR #744 – 2/24/14 – For Immediate Release
Feb 23
RFC 7123 – Security Implications of IPv6 on IPv4 Networks
What are the security issues around IPv6 support and IPv6 transition mechanisms on an IPv4-only network? Could the unplanned and perhaps even unknown support of IPv6 by operating systems introduce additional security concerns into an enterprise network?
In an Informational RFC 7123 published in February 2014, Fernando Gont and Will Liu explore the security implications of native IPv6 support and also of IPv6 tunneling mechanisms. They walk through the different transition mechanisms, explain potential security issues and outline ways to potentially mitigate the security concerns. The document is available at:
The introduction of the document gives a taste of what the rest of the document covers:
Most general-purpose operating systems implement and enable native IPv6 [RFC2460] support and a number of transition/coexistence technologies by default. Support of IPv6 by all nodes is intended to become best current practice [RFC6540]. Some enterprise networks might, however, choose to delay active use of IPv6.
This document describes operational practices to prevent security exposure in enterprise networks resulting from unplanned use of IPv6 on such networks. This document is only applicable to enterprise networks: networks where the network operator is not providing a general-purpose internet, but rather a business-specific network. The solutions proposed here are not practical for home networks, nor are they appropriate for provider networks such as ISPs, mobile providers, WiFi hotspot providers, or any other public internet service.
In scenarios in which IPv6-enabled devices are deployed on enterprise networks that are intended to be IPv4-only, native IPv6 support and/or IPv6 transition/coexistence technologies could be leveraged by local or remote attackers for a number of (illegitimate) purposes. For example,
- A Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) might be prepared to detect attack patterns for IPv4 traffic, but might be unable to detect the same attack patterns when a transition/coexistence technology is leveraged for that purpose.
- An IPv4 firewall might enforce a specific security policy in IPv4, but might be unable to enforce the same policy in IPv6.
- A NIDS or firewall might support both IPv4 and IPv6, but might not be configured to enforce on IPv6 traffic the same controls/policies it enforces on IPv4 traffic.
- Some transition/coexistence mechanisms could cause an internal host with otherwise limited IPv4 connectivity to become globally reachable over IPv6, therefore resulting in increased (and possibly unexpected) host exposure.
- IPv6 support could, either inadvertently or as a result of a deliberate attack, result in Virtual Private Network (VPN) traffic leaks if IPv6-unaware VPN software is employed by dual-stacked hosts.
In general, most of the aforementioned security implications can be mitigated by enforcing security controls on native IPv6 traffic and on IPv4-tunneled IPv6 traffic. Among such controls, is the enforcement of filtering policies to block undesirable traffic. While IPv6 widespread/global IPv6 deployment has been slower than expected, it is nevertheless happening; and thus, filtering IPv6 traffic (whether native or transition/coexistence) to mitigate IPv6 security implications on IPv4 networks should (generally) only be considered as a temporary measure until IPv6 is deployed.
Feb 23
TDYR #109 – Wishing The Best For All In Ukraine Right Now
Feb 22
TDYR #108 – The Amazing Power Of The Olympics To Get People Excited About Curling!
Feb 22
Weekend Project: Join the XMPP “Security Test Day” today to test DNSSEC / DANE
If you have a bit of time today, February 22, 2014, and want to help an effort aimed at making the Internet more secure, the XMPP Standards Foundation (XSF) is holding their second “Security Test Day” today. The goal is to encrypt all traffic between servers and clients on the public network of XMPP servers. (Note that some of you may be more familiar with XMPP as its original name of “Jabber”.) This is all laid out in their manifesto for ubiquitous encryption on the XMPP network.
The connection to the work we are doing here at the Deploy360 Programme is that many of the XMPP servers have DNSSEC-signed domains and many are implementing DANE to secure the usage of TLS/SSL certificates in both server-to-server and client-to-server communication. The XSF provides guidance on securing DNS via DNSSEC for XMPP servers and the IM Observatory provides two lists of interest:
- List of XMPP servers with DNSSEC-signed SRV records
- List of XMPP servers with DNSSEC-signed DANE records
It is outstanding to see the number of servers that have implemented both DNSSEC and DANE!
Anyway, if you have an XMPP server, or want to set one up, today is a test day when the XMPP community is working on encrypting all their communication. Visit their “Second Security Test Day” post to understand more about how you can participate.
This is great work that will definitely help make part of the Internet more secure. If you have time to help today, it would be great!
Feb 21
TDYR #107 – The Joy Of Local Theatre Productions
Feb 21
NIST Offers New Tool To Verify TLSA Records For DANE / DNSSEC
Are you experimenting with using the DANE protocol to provide an additional layer of security to your TLS/SSL certificates via DNSSEC? Would you like to easily test that your TLSA record needed for DANE works correctly?
If so, the folks at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) now have a new tool for testing TLSA records and DANE support. All you do is go to:
and in the simplest form just enter in the URL of the site you want to test. Here is an example of what happened when I entered https://www.freebsd.org/ (click image to see larger version):
The site basically tests that you have your TLSA record correctly configured and that it matches the TLS/SSL certificate you are using with your web server.
Now, if you don’t have a site with a TLSA record but want to see how the tool works, the NIST tool helpfully lets you choose from one of the DANE test sites we list here on Deploy360. You can also connect to the NIST “DANE Reference site” to explore different usage types.
In an email message to several public mailing lists, tool author Stephen Nightingale at NIST indicated that his latest version of this tool was now offering the choice of testing from clients based either on TLSlite or GnuTLS. He goes on to note:
Mine was one of the ‘DANE-in-the-App’ sites that Viktor Dukhovni reviewed, and he kindly gave an extensive critique. Many of his points have been addressed. A few things still to clear up:
- I’m not checking for certificate revocation. That is on the list to fix.
- For 0xx and 1xx uses, it is hard to identify a single canonical CA list. I have overlapping, but different Root Cert sets from Mozilla, Fedora and Linux Mint. So when searching for an authority to build a verification chain I cycle through all of these until succeeding or exhaustion of the possibilities. Some of the DANE 360 listed sets (including some from members of this group) fail to authenticate because the root certs are not in my authorities. A golden, canonical CA list would be nice to find. But I guess that its non-universal availability is one of the problems of the CA system that DANE is aiming squarely at.
The differences between TLSlite and GnuTLS clients highlight the fact that there are unresolved interoperability issues among TLS implementations. It seems reasonable that TLS interoperability testing be instituted as pre-requisite to DANE testing. The development of a TLS Interoperability test suite is therefore on our ‘to-do’ list. I look forward to seeing the newly upgraded OpenSSL client with added DANE. It is quite possible that as an interim step before its appearance I will add this DANE-in-the-App implementation to pyOpenSSL and/or Twisted.
Thanks to Stephen and the team at NIST for making this tool public and we hope that it will help those of you working with DANE to test out your implementations.