Dan York

Just a guy in Vermont trying to connect all the dots...

Author's posts

DNSSEC Training In Rwanda For The .RW ccTLD

I was very pleased to learn via a series of tweets this morning of a two-day DNSSEC training seminar that happened in Kacyiru, Rwanda, sponsored by the Rwanda Information and Communication Technology Association (RICTA) in partnership with ICANN. The seminar took place over the last two days and the agenda looks quite good.


It seems they got some good news coverage on two local sites, complete with other photos of the event: IGIHE and UMUSEKE. Unfortunately, as I cannot read Kinyarwanda, and neither, it seems, can Google Translate, I don’t have any idea what the articles are saying beyond the technical acronyms.

The attendance is great to see as Africa is one region where it would be great to see more ccTLDs signed with DNSSEC.  At this moment Rwanda’s .RW is not appearing on either our DNSSEC deployment maps nor on ICANN’s DNSSEC Status Report as signed with DNSSEC… but hopefully with a workshop like this that status will be changing soon!

P.S. To that end, I note that the seminar invitation reads “Adoption event for the .RW country code top-level domain name”. If anyone reads this from RICTA and could email us info about when they are planning to sign the .RW ccTLD, we’d love to add that information to our DNSSEC deployment maps.

Photo credit: RICTAInfo on Twitter

TDYR #125 -Voting In NH Today, And The Frustration Of Not Knowing What Is On The Ballot

Today is "Town Meeting Day" in New Hampshire when people across the state vote on local issues, municipal/school budgets and other major spending issues. The frustrating part is that at least for our city it is hard to get information about what exactly we are voting on today...

TDYR #124 – Anyone Used The New Getty Images Embedding Yet?

TDYR #124 - Anyone Used The New Getty Images Embedding Yet? by Dan York

Crossing 300,000 Views Of My CircleID Articles

I was pleased to note recently that the number of views to my various posts on CircleID had crossed over the 300,000 mark and that along the way I'd entered the top 20 contributors to the site in terms of viewed articles. Not that viewer metrics are anything I get very excited about... but it was just kind of cool to see that mark being passed.

As I wrote about back in November 2012 and have also spoken about on past FIR podcast episodes, CircleID is one of the sites that I watch to keep up on what is happening with the infrastructure that powers the Internet, as well as Internet policy issues and, in recent years, the evolution of the "new generic top-level domains (newgTLDs)". I enjoy reading many of the people who write there - and have learned a good bit in the process. There are a lot of contributors to the site (and anyone can sign up to contribute) and so you get to hear many different voices, including some, of course, with whom you may not agree - but that is good and helpful.

Beyond simply visiting the CircleID website, you can follow the site as @circleID on Twitter and via the CircleID Facebook page as well as good old RSS.

I'd highly recommend CircleID for people interested in the evolution of the Internet!

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FIR #746 – 3/10/14 – For Immediate Release

Neville and Dan in London; Quick news: Omnicom's $100 million deal with Instagram, Greenpeace's campaign against Procter and Gamble, the Church of England's new Twitter account, Digg vs. Reddit for PR pros; Ragan promo; News That Fits, Michael Netzley's Asia Report, social visual in the enterprise, Media Monitoring Minute from CustomScoop, listener comments, 02's Twitter-based customer service, Dan York's tech report; last week on the FIR Podcast Network, volunteer PR pros come to Ukraine's aid; music from Drive-By Truckers; and more.

The Intersection of Github… and Babylon 5?

Lurkers guide to Babylon 5Back in the 1990’s I was a huge fan of the show “Babylon 5” for a great number of reasons. It remains, to this day, one of the best series I’ve ever watched on TV and I greatly admire the creator/writer, J. Michael Straczynski, for the narrative arc he used over the five year run of the series as well as the overall “universe” he created.

One of the web sites that those of us who enjoyed Babylon 5 frequently used was “The Lurker’s Guide to Babylon 5“. The pages there helped in the understanding of how all the pieces fit together and frequently offered glimpses of what was coming ahead. It was a great tool and reference source.

Today a Google search brought me back to that site although I hadn’t been there in years. And in visiting I learned that as of this past December the entire source for the website is now available on Github at:


It’s very cool that site creator Steven Grimm has made his site publicly available via Github. As he notes, others can now fork the code, send him updates via pull requests, etc.

It is also a great example of how I’ve told people that Github, and git in general, can be used for so much more than simply “source code” and that you don’t need to be a programmer to use it.

Plus… if you wander through some of the pages, like this one, it’s kind of fun to see references to how we used to get our information: “Stay caught up with the Usenet B5 discussions, which are often a great source of material.” 🙂

Cool stuff!

TDYR #123 – “123” Occurrences, Jet Lag, Time Zones And An Interview About The Evolution Of The Internet

TDYR #123 - "123" Occurrences, Jet Lag, Time Zones And An Interview About The Evolution Of The Internet by Dan York

Free DNSSEC Training In Singapore March 19-21

DNSSEC trainingAre you going to be in Singapore March 19-21 and would be interested in some DNSSEC training?

We’ve been alerted by our friends at ICANN and the NSRC that they have a few open seats in the DNSSEC training classes they are offering on March 19-21 in cooperation with the Singapore NIC (operators of the .sg ccTLD).  Rick Lamb, one of the instructors, notified us that the training is free if people can get there – and that people who hold ISC2 certifications such as the CISSP credential can earn Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits for attending the course.

The training agenda looks excellent and having worked a good bit with Rick I can very definitely say he is incredibly knowledgable with everything related to DNSSEC.  I’ve also heard great things about the other instructor, Phil Regnauld, and of NSRC training in general.

Rick said it would be best if people contacted him directly via email to see if there is still space in this course.  I’ll note that this training is happening right before the ICANN 49 meeting in Singapore, and so if you are already going to ICANN 49 perhaps you can adjust your schedule and go a few days early to check out this training!

TDYR #122 – You Almost Never See People Smile In Airports

TDYR #122 - You Almost Never See People Smile In Airports by Dan York

Weekend Project: Check Out The New “getdns” API

getdnsapiAre you an application developer who makes queries to DNS somewhere inside your application?

If so… or if you aren’t, but are just looking for a reason to play around with some code… there’s a new “getdns” API out that is designed to make it easier to interact with DNS.  From the website:

getdns is a modern asynchronous DNS API. It implements DNS entry points from a design developed and vetted by application developers, in an API specification edited by Paul Hoffman. With the development of this API, we intend to offer application developers a modernized and flexible way to access DNS security (DNSSEC) and other powerful new DNS features; a particular hope is to inspire application developers towards innovative security solutions in their applications.

You can read more about it at:


And the code is available on Github at:


There are also bindings for python and node.js in the works. This new “getdns” API has been developed by a team of developers from NLnet Labs, Verisign Labs and No Mountain Software and is based off of the getdns API specification documented by Paul Hoffman.

Members of the team gave a presentation at IETF 89 whose slides you can view about this new API and what you can do with it.  While  I haven’t played with it myself yet, I’m pleased to see that one major point is that it provides developers with easy usage of DNSSEC.  All in all it’s very cool to see a new API out there and we do encourage people to check it out and see what you think of it.  I’d note that because the code is maintained at Github, you can file issues there if you have questions or bugs.  There is also an email list for developers and users who want to get more involved with the project.

Congrats to the developer team for releasing this new API and we hope that it enables  app developers to more easily interact with DNS and DNSSEC!