November 10, 2015 archive
Nov 10
Video Available of Kathy Brown’s Remarks at IGF 2015 High Level Leaders Meeting
Yesterday at the 2015 Internet Governance Forum (IGF2015) in Brazil, our President and CEO Kathy Brown gave an inspiring set of remarks in the High Level Leaders Meeting. Courtesy of some excellent production work by Joly MacFie of our ISOC New York Chapter syncing the audio and video, we're now able to provide you with a video recording of Kathy's remarks:
Nov 10
ISOC At IGF2015, Day 1: WSIS+10, IXPs, Trust, Digital Economy, and the Opening Ceremony
Today is "Day 1" of the 2015 Internet Governance Forum (IGF2015) and this begins an incredibly packed schedule of many different simultaneous sessions, workshops, roundtables and other events. First, a quick reminder that all our Internet Society activities today can be found here:
Also, please remember that remote participation is possible if you are not in Brazil - and please review our other blog posts about IGF2015 for background.