May 18, 2015 archive

Watch Live Today – 2nd Annual InterPlanetary Networking Conference

How do we extend the Internet to outer space?  How do we build a truly "interplanetary" Internet?  Today, Monday, May 18, 2015, this topic is being discussed at the 2nd Annual InterPlanetary Networking Conference in Washington, DC, where the focus is on "Delay & Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN)". Participants include Vint Cerf and teams from NASA, Boeing, the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) and others involved with space exploration.

You can watch the conference live from 9:00am to 5:00pm US EDT (UTC-4):

Dan York

The Hobson & Holtz Report #808: How digital leaders outperform their peers

Intro: New FIR website goes live (and a hint of more to come), FIR’s new Pinterest account – and a board for sharing books for young communicators;

Quick News: How T-Mobile blew $200K on a campaign against Verizon, Domino’s to roll out tweet-a-pizza in the US, the town in Spain that runs on Twitter, gay-themed traffic lights get Vienna in the mood for the Eurovision Song Contest; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop;

News That Fits: How digital leaders outperform their peers; Michael Netzley’s Asia Report: Singapore’s media authorities enforce new internet content provider guidelines to shut down a political blog; where are the videos in corporate newsrooms?; listener comments in audio and in the FIR Podcast Community on Google+; seven top futurists’ surprising predictions about what the next decade will bring; Igloo Software promo; Dan York’s Tech Report: with Bryan Person in Keene, New Hampshire; the past week on the FIR Podcast Network;

Music from KA Morton; and more.

Links related to content discusse don this week’s show are on Delicious.


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