November 10, 2014 archive

TDYR 182 – Initial Thoughts About IETF 91 in Honolulu

TDYR 182 - Initial Thoughts About IETF 91 in Honolulu by Dan York

FIR #781 – 11/10/14 – For Immediate Release

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Deploy360@IETF91, Day 1: v6OPS, SIDR, EPPEXT, TRANS

Sunset at IETF 91On the first full day here at IETF 91, we have to leave behind the palm trees of the beautiful welcoming reception (pictured at right) to head indoors for a packed agenda of working group sessions.

For us on the Deploy360 team, this first day hits on three of our major topics:  IPv6, DNSSEC and securing BGP.

A big focus  for our group will be the 4.5 hours of IPv6 Operations (v6OPS) Working Group meetings happening in two blocks today: 9:00-11:30 and then 15:20-17:20 Hawaii Standard Time (HST). As our colleague Phil Roberts noted, IPv6 is everywhere within IETF activity, but the v6OPS sessions are particularly important as IPv6 continues to move into mainstream production and experience real operational deployment.

NOTE: If you are not in Honolulu but would like to follow along, please view the remote participation page for ways you can listen in and participate.  In particular, at this IETF meeting all the sessions will have Meetecho coverage so you can listen, watch and chat through that web interface.  All agenda times are in HST, which is UTC-10 (and five hours earlier than US Eastern time for those in the US).

At the same 9:00-11:30 block as v6OPS in the morning will be the Secure Inter-Domain Routing (SIDR) Working Group that is really the lead working group we’re monitoring for efforts to increase the security of the BGP routing protocol. As Andrei Robachevsky wrote in his Rough Guide post, there is a great amount of work happening with regard to routing security and resiliency and the discussions within SIDR today will contribute to that.

Amazingly, the 13:00-15:00 time block is a quiet one for us (pretty much the only one all week!), although I may wander into the CDN Interconnections (CDNI) working group to check in purely out of my own interest in CDNs.

The 15:20-17:20 block has v6OPS back for its second session, but also has two of the working groups meeting with DNSSEC-related topics going on.  As I described in my Rough Guide post about DNSSEC, the EPPEXT working group will be discussing how to progress a draft about the secure transfer of signed domain names between registrars – and simultaneously the TRANS working group will be looking at the possibility of applying Certificate Transparency (CT) methods to DNSSEC.

In the final 17:30-18:30 meeting block, the TRANS working group will continue their discussions and the GROW working group will also be meeting to discuss route leaks and de-aggregation issues, two major areas that Andrei indicated are of concern to the routing community.

We’ll finish up the day from 18:50-19:50 with the Technical Plenary that will focus on the IAB’s Privacy and Security Program and should be interesting.

All in all it’s going to be a very busy day!  Do note, of course, that all that I’ve mentioned here is just a small part of the overall activity happening at IETF 91 today – these are just the sessions that WE are interested in for the topics we cover here at Deploy360. Please do look to find us and say hello… and if you are not here in Honolulu, please do join in remotely and help us make the Internet work better!

Relevant Working Groups:

v6OPS (IPv6 Operations) WG
Monday, 10 November 900am-1130am, Coral 4
Monday, 10 November 320pm-520pm, Coral 3

SIDR (Secure Inter-Domain Routing) WG
Monday, 10 November 2014, 0900-1130 HST, Coral 1

TRANS (Public Notary Transparency) WG
Monday, 10 November 2014, 1300-1500 HST, Hibiscus

EPPEXT (Extensible Provisioning Protocol Extensions) WG
Monday, November 10, 2014, 1520-1720 HST, Lehua Suite

GROW (Global Routing Operations) WG
Monday, 10 November 2014, 1730-1830 HST, Coral 4

For more background on what is happening at IETF 91, please see our “Rough Guide to IETF 91″ posts on the ITM blog:

If you are here at IETF 91 in Honolulu, please do feel free to say hello to a member of the Deploy360 team.  And if you want to get started with IPv6, DNSSEC or one of our other topics, please visit our “Start Here” page to find resources appropriate to your type of organization.