May 19, 2014 archive

Playing Google’s Interactive Rubik’s Cube Over IPv6

Today Google’s front page is an interactive “doodle” celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Rubik’s Cube.  Apart from feeling old since I remember when the Rubik’s Cube first came out, I was also of course thrilled to note that being on a Google website, this interactive Rubik’s Cube is available over IPv6:


Using the IPvFoo add-on for Google Chrome I can verify that almost all of my communication is indeed going over IPv6:

Google Rubik's Cube Doodle

I am guessing from the URLs that the IPv4 connections are to some type of measurement site.  Regardless, the main communication is all happening over IPv6.

And this doodle reminded me, too, that it’s been a looooonnnnnggg time since I worked with a Rubik’s Cube! :-)

If you play with the interactive version today, I hope you have fun… and if you aren’t seeing it over IPv6, why not check out our “Start Here!” pages to see how you can join the rest of us?

FIR #756 – 5/19/14 – For Immediate Release

Quick News: New podcast from Stephen Waddington; Shel's moderating a WOMMA webinar; Quick News: Welcome to Heathrow's Terminal Samsung Galaxy S5, Target CMO responds to critique with a LinkedIn post, Wired and Cisco collaborate on a crowdsourced tablet magazine, the drawbacks to publicity; Ragan promo; News That Fits: The persuasive power of peer rankings, Michael Netzley's Asia report, the benefits and risks of hiring people with social influence, Media Monitoring Minute from CustomScoop, listener comments, is the marketing funnel dead?, the past week on the FIR Podcast Network, Dan York's Tech Report, Igloo Software promo, should companies monitor their employees' social media?; music from Mario Tomic; and more.