August 26, 2013 archive
Aug 26
TeleGeography’s Interactive Submarine Cable Map Is a Fun and Fascinating View Into Infrastructure (Featured Blog)
Ever want to know where all the submarine cables are that provide part of the physical infrastructure of the Internet? Or which cities in the world have the most connectivity via submarine cables? (or which regions might be single points of failure?) In doing some research I stumbled across this excellent site from the folks at TeleGeography... It is a very well done and captivating (to me, anyway) view into where all the current and planned submarine cables are located. More...
Aug 26
FIR #718 – 8/26/13 – For Immediate Release
Melbourne Mandate interview now available, marketing automation interview coming, no FIR Live on Google and press releases, Neville's Bloggade wrap-up; Quick News: Volkswagen's #SmileDrive app, Ford and Boing Boing partner for a hackathon, HuffPo ends anonymous comments, upbeat content gets more traction; Ragan promo; News that Fits: catching up with Vine, Dan York's report, lessons for SEO and digital marketing, Media Monitoring Minute from CustomScoop, listener comments, MOOCs as a communication channel, why Ari Herzog killed 61 percent of his LinkedIn friends; how to comment; music from King Pug; and more.