August 12, 2013 archive
Aug 12
FIR #716 – 8/12/13 – For Immediate Release
AirPR interview is up, marketing automation and Melbourne Mandate interviews coming, Bloggade 2013 is coming up; Quick news: promoted tweets boost offline sales, MixBit adds collaboration to Vine-Instagram competitor, top three tips from a LinkedIn expert, what consumers hate about social brands; Ragan promo; News That Fits: Google's new press release rules, Michael Netzley's Asia Report, how crooks are hijacking your Facebook likes, Media Monitoring Minute from CustomScoop, listener comments, executive email carpetbombinb a good reason for execs to go social, Dan York's report, how BBC kept the new Doctor Who a secret; music from New Mastersounds; and more.
Aug 12
FIR #716 – 12/5/13 – For Immediate Release
FIR Interview with AirPR CEO up, interviews coming with Craig Jolley and with Jean Valin and Dan Tisch, Bloggade 2013; Twitter promoted tweets, MixBit, top 3 LinkedIn tips, what consumers hate about social brands; Ragan promo, Google's new rules for press releases; Michael Netzley's Asia report, hijacking Facebook likes, Media Monitoring Minute, listener comments, executives might as well go social, Dan York's report, BBC PR strategy behind naming the new Doctor Who, music from New Mastersounds; and more.