February 18, 2013 archive
Feb 18
Telemark skiing – and Remembering What It Is Like To Be A Beginner Again
Telemark skiing - and Remembering What It Is Like To Be A Beginner Again by Dan York
Feb 18
FIR #691 – 2/18/13 – For Immediate Release
Schoenberg interview is up; Quick News: Defense contractor releases software to track people via social media, Twitter kills Posterous, American Express enables purchases via hashtag, TD B ank in Google+ local pages; Ragan promo; News That Fits: what do corporate directors and senior managers know about social media?, Dan York's report, European horsemeat scandal widens and deepens, Media Monitoring Minute from CustomScoop, listener comments, is real-time marketing now a requirement?, does Augmented Reality work for PR?; music by Strangefolk; and more.