November 2012 archive
Nov 05
FIR #676 – 11/5/12 – For Immediate Release
Nov 05
Meet The Deploy360 Team At IETF85!
If you are at IETF 85 this week in Atlanta, the Deploy360 team will be represented by Megan Kruse. She’s very much interested in speaking to people about their challenges with deploying IPv6 and DNSSEC – and how we can help with accelerating that deployment.
You can expect to find Megan in many of the IPv6-related sessions and other associated events. If you’d like to reach her directly to coordinate a time to connect, your best route will be either:
Twitter: @deploy360
She’ll be monitoring both channels and can get back to you to arrange a time to meet.
As to the other Deploy360 team members, Richard Jimmerson is speaking today in Toronto as part of the Canadian ISP Summit and I’ve unfortunately had to stay home due to some family medical issues. I will be participating remotely via Jabber, though, so if you are in the chat rooms for various sessions you’ll probably see me there. I will look forward to meeting up with many of you at IETF 86 in March in Orlando.
It’s looking like a great week in Atlanta with all sorts of activities going on. If you are there and can meet up with Megan, she’d be glad to get your feedback and understand how we can help you with your deployment of IPv6 and DNSSEC!
Nov 04
CircleID – A News Site About Internet Infrastructure, Domain Names, new gTLDs, more…
For all of those topics, and many more, a site I've come to rely on is
It is a "news" site, but one that is very focused on what is happening in the underlying infrastructure that powers the Internet - and from both a technical and business/marketing point-of-view. There are technical articles and blog posts focused on topics such as IPv6, DNS security, cybersecurity, cloud computing, etc. - and there are more business-focused articles and blog posts talking about the business behind domain names or the new generic TLDs.
For marketers and communications professionals these latter topics are quite important - there is much going on right now in that space that will define what the future of domain names will look like.
I should note that Circle ID is a community-driven site and anyone can register and sign up to contribute. If you want to publish articles in this space - or have a client for whom this would be a logical audience to write - the folks behind CircleID are always open to new contributors.
To that end, I should note that I do write at CircleID from time to time and have republished some of my Disruptive Telephony posts there in the past.
It's a great resource, and one that many of you may find useful to track what is happening behind the curtains of the Internet.
P.S. Naturally CircleID is also on Twitter and Facebook, too, and has a host of RSS feeds.
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Nov 03
My Report into FIR #675 – Hurricane Sandy, Moscow and the Supreme Court

In this week's For Immediate Release episode #675 on Monday, October 29, 2012, my report covered:
Hurricane Sandy and the impact we were already seeing on Monday morning. I pointed in particular to Google's excellent crisis map.
I spoke a bit about my recent trip to Moscow and referenced a post I wrote: Walking In Red Square: Reflections of a Child of the 1970s
- Finally I spoke about a case before the U.S. Supreme Court that could ultimately get into your rights around "owning" something that you purchased abroad. More info in these articles:
If you are a FIR subscriber, you should have the show now in iTunes or whatever you use to get the feed. If you aren't a subscriber, you can simply listen to the episode online now.
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Nov 02
New Release 1.14 of DNSSEC-Tools – Get It Now!
Recently at the ICANN 45 DNSSEC Deployment Workshop, we learned that the great folks over at the DNSSEC Tools project had just released a new version of their great package of DNSSEC-related tools. The new version 1.14 is available in several forms from:
Some of the changes include:
- dnssec-nodes – many new features and graphing capabilities
- libval – support for the TLSA recorded needed for the DANE protocol
- dnssec-check – increased stability
As an advocate for the powerful capabilities of DANE, I’m particularly pleased to see that support added for TLSA records.
You can find out more information on the main web page.
I know from speaking with Sparta’s Russ Mundy at the ICANN 45 workshop that he and the others involved with the DNSSEC-Tools project are definitely looking for user feedback – and also looking to understand what other DNSSEC-related tools people might find useful. Please do give this new release a try and let the team there know how it works for you.
Nov 02
IETF 85 Begins Next Week In Atlanta – Here Is How To Follow Along (Featured Blog)
Nov 02
Why I Will NOT Be Rushing To Upgrade To Evernote 5 For Mac
I won't be trying it. I'll wait for others to take the chance.
Why not?
Primarily because...
Evernote completely burned me with their "upgrade" of Skitch!
This "redesigned" Skitch took away pretty much everything that I loved about the application. Now I realize that the Skitch development team is different from the developers behind the main Evernote app, but still...
they have lost my trust.
Further, I have been so burned in the past by other software companies that whenever I hear (as I do in the Evernote 5 video) the words "we've completely redesigned the application", I immediately think:
Evernote did it with Skitch. Skype did it with their Skype 5 for the Mac that left behind so much of the Skype 2.8 that we all loved. Apple's done it too many different applications to count (ex. iMovie, Final Cut).
So I cringe whenever I hear the words "completely redesigned"!
Now, granted, I do appreciate it when companies take in user feedback and make new versions of their applications. I love it when companies are responsive and make applications better. I just don't like it when they remove powerful functionality (even as I do understand that sometimes they need to do this to re-do the application).
For me, Evernote is a critical part of my daily workflow. I am a paying Evernote customer and use it across my multiple systems and mobile devices.
I don't want that workflow screwed up!
So I will wait for a bit and see what others who are more daring than I say about the new version. I am pleased to see that the initial comments to the beta release post seem to be positive. I'll continue to monitor the flow of comments for a while before I even think about upgrading.
What about you? Are you going to take the plunge?
FYI, here's their video about Evernote 5:
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Nov 02
Can You Please Review ‘Seven Deadliest Unified Communications Attacks’ On Goodreads?
Do you have an account on Goodreads? If so, there is a page for Seven Deadliest Unified Communications Attacks with a very kind review from Alan Johnston. As an author, I'd naturally like to have some more reviews as they do tend to help people understand what people think about the book.
If you found the book helpful, could you please take a moment to review (or at least "star") the book there?
Even if you don't want to post a review right now, if you are on Goodreads and can add the book to a "shelf" that would also be helpful, as others will then see that people are reading the book.
And while you're at it, if you'd like to connect on Goodreads as a fan/friend that would be welcome.
Thanks again for the continued support and for the positive comments I continue to receive about the book. I'm very pleased that people have found it helpful and that we can continue to have a healthy dialog about communications security issues.
Nov 01
Yet Another Skitch / Evernote FAIL – Image Sharing/Uploading No Longer Works
Instead I got this:
" sharing has moved to Evernote."
Now, in fairness, they have been mentioning that this transition was going to occur for the past bit. So it's not a tremendous surprise.
But here's the FAIL - the "Click here" link takes you to a page on the " Transition to Evernote". But this page simply tells you how to transition your old images to Evernote.
It tells me nothing about how to actually now share an image.
Zip. Na da.
I am left with the mockery of the first sentence: "Skitch is getting even better."
I am guessing that Skitch 1.x users who refuse to upgrade to Skitch 2.0 because it is an incredible downgrade in functionality are probably now just simply... screwed.
I am guessing the easy "Share" function that I use on pretty much a daily basis will now no longer work with Skitch 1.x.
I am guessing that I need to find a new screen capture program that does what I need.
(And yes, I've tried the new Skitch 2.0.1 but it still continues to add many more steps to the easy way Skitch 1.x worked and it still doesn't do all that Skitch 1.x did.)
I am guessing all this because the link that Evernote/Skitch takes me to tells me nothing about how to actually share an image.
Further, I went to look in the Evernote forums to see what users might be saying there and... the site is down for me.
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