May 25, 2012 archive

Friday IPv6 Meme Image: Y U No Use IPv6?

As we mentioned last week, we thought we’d end our work week with a bit of humor, and thus… IPv6 meme #2… enjoy!

And as we said before, PLEASE SEND US YOUR MEMES!

FCC: The Countdown to IPv6 is On!

FCC logoWhat if I told you that the world was running out of postal addresses or phone numbers, and that, in less than two months, many companies you regularly do business with will have a new system of contact information?  You’d want to learn more about this system and perhaps make a few preparations, right?  Such a big transition is not happening for postal addresses or phone numbers, but something close to that is happening for Internet addresses.”

And so begins an excellent blog post from the CTO of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Henning Schulzrinne, about the impending World IPv6 Launch on June 6, 2012 and what people need to do to check their IPv6 readiness.  While he points out that all current web addresses will work after June 6, he points out very clearly why consumers and businesses need to care about IPv6:

“However, as IPv4 addresses run out, most new websites and online services will have IPv6 addresses that can only be accessed if you have your computer or network equipment is prepared.  In addition, the performance, reliability and security of the Internet and online services (such as video streaming and IP telephony) may slowly degrade unless most web traffic and network equipment is made compatible with IPv6.  Finally, as new IPv4 addresses become harder and harder to get, new businesses, from providers of content and services to new ISPs, will find it more difficult to get started and compete with established firms unless they utilize IPv6.”

He also points out a new guide for consumers published by the FCC: “Internet Protocol Version 6: IPv6 for Consumers.”

It’s excellent to see this support for World IPv6 Launch coming out of the FCC and definitely thank Henning Schulzrinne for this advocacy of the transition to IPv6!


The Top 4 Websites Are Permanently Enabling IPv6 – Are You?

On June 6, 2012, as part of World IPv6 Launch, the top 4 websites in the world – Google, Facebook, YouTube and Yahoo – are all permanently enabling IPv6 because they understand that their content needs to be reachable by everyone.

Google, Facebook and Yahoo understand that as IPv4 addresses run out and more and more people want to connect many devices to the Internet, those devices may have to operate on IPv6 networks – and will reach IPv4-only content through IPv6-to-IPv4 gateways that will impact the speed of people getting to their content.

These top 4 websites, plus Microsoft Bing, AOL, Netflix and hundreds of other sites all recognize that speed matters and that they want to make their sites available to all users on all networks.

Will you join them in making your website(s) available over IPv6 on June 6, 2012?

We have some tips for content providers on how you can enable IPv6 for your website(s) - and if you’ll be ready by June 6 you can register as an official participant.  Hurry, though… registration for the official list closes on May 30th!  (But you don’t have to have the site enabled until June 6th.)

The top 4 websites are going to IPv6 – will you join them?