April 2, 2012 archive

National Physical Laboratory

20:00 -20:00 National Physical Laboratory

Outstanding DNSSEC Workshop at FOSE Tomorrow

FoseWant to learn about the latest with DNSSEC and the US government? Want to listen to a veritable “Who’s Who” of the people involved with DNSSEC? Tomorrow at the FOSE Conference in Washington, DC, there is what looks to be an outstanding event titled:


Going from 10:00am to 4:00pm US Eastern time, the event is described as:

Nearly 50 percent of U.S. Federal domains and a significant number of worldwide governmental, commercial, nonprofit and business domains are now secured with DNSSEC, the Domain Name System Security Extensions. Yet large-scale domain name attacks and vulnerabilities continue, not just to the DNS, but to other applications that rely on the DNS to store information. DNSSEC provides the means to protect application information stored in the DNS, in effect, making DNS a trust infrastructure that other applications can utilize.

In the quest to make DNSSEC a useful trust infrastructure for Internet applications, this session will look at the remaining challenges and emerging trends in U.S. Federal DNSSEC deployment; share new DNSSEC-aware applications; and conduct a wide-ranging discussion of the future of domain-name security with leading Federal and private-sector DNS experts.

The speaker list, though, is what is so amazing!

Not only the top people involved with DNSSEC implementation from throughout the US government, but also the very folks behind so many of the DNSSEC resources we’ve listed here on the site and the people we’ve written about in our DNSSEC-related blog posts. Speakers from organizations like CZNic Labs, NIST, NLNet Labs, Shinkuro and many more… from vendors such as Akamai, Comcast, GoDaddy, Afilias, Google, etc. Plus individuals who have been extremely involved with DNSSEC like Steve Crocker and even security researcher Dan Kaminsky!

All in all it looks to be a truly outstanding event!

The Deploy360 Programme will have a presence there in the form of Richard Jimmerson who heads up our overall project. If you are interested in meeting up with him at the event, please contact him at jimmerson@isoc.org.

THERE IS STILL TIME TO ATTEND! If you have registered for FOSE you can choose the DNSSEC workshop as one of your free educational sessions.

P.S. Alas, I’d love to be there myself and was hoping to get there… but I just returned this weekend from 11 days away for IETF and it turns out the travel won’t work for me this week. I’m very much looking forward to hearing from Richard how it goes…