Protection for Intermediaries Is Vital for the Internet in Mexico

We often overlook the factors that enable the Internet to accommodate a wide range of applications, from real-time surgeries to viral memes, and individual expression. Some of those factors are technical and some are policy. A critical policy issue th…

Nevada Wants to Reduce Online Protections for Children: All Internet Users Should Benefit from Strong Encryption

Today we joined an effort to stop the State of Nevada from making it easier for children’s personal information to be obtained by child predators, criminal gangs, foreign nations, and others. The State of Nevada seems to think that children deserve le…

The Github Malware Attack – and the Importance of Trusting the Repository You Use

There’s a terrible attack happening against Github right now where attackers are forking legitimate repositories and injecting malware – and then hoping unsuspecting users will download code from the attacker’s repo instead of the original. A researcher estimates this is happening to about 100,000 repos on Github.

As Dan Goodin writes at Ars Technica:

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New Excellent Analysis of Where IPv6 Grew in 2023

Where did IPv6 grow in 2023? Where did it not? What countries led on IPv6 deployment? Recently a colleague of mine at the Internet Society, Robbie Mitchell, laid all this out in a long post titled “Governments and Industry Driving IPv6 in 2023”. With data and many charts he walks through where IPv6 deployment is […]

New Excellent Analysis of Where IPv6 Grew in 2023

Where did IPv6 grow in 2023? Where did it not? What countries led on IPv6 deployment?

Recently a colleague of mine at the Internet Society, Robbie Mitchell, laid all this out in a long post titled “Governments and Industry Driving IPv6 in 2023”. With data and many charts he walks through where IPv6 deployment …

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AVFTCN 034 – The Cautionary Tale of the Death of Ello

Do you remember… Ello? For a brief time in 2014 to 2016-ish, it flared up as “the next emerging social network” and even as a “Facebook-killer”. And then it flamed out… and… in the summer of 2023, it disappeared completely as the site was taken offline. I was all in with Ello for a time! […]

I’m Doing It Again… Getting Sucked Into Consuming Vs Creating

I’m doing it again… instead of writing and creating new posts in the morning, I’m sitting there scrolling through Mastodon… or reading the latest news on Memeorandum or Techmeme… or jumping into work email or Slack before I really need to. And sooner or later, any of the “free” time I had is gone and it’s time to start the work day. The time has melted away. Consumption has triumphed over creation, yet again. That’s no way to get back into writing more. That’s no way to develop habits of consistent writing. And yet it is so incredibly easy to…

TDYR 415 – Why ULA’s Vulcan Centaur Launch Was So Important

On January 8, 2024, United Launch Alliance (ULA) successfully launched their Vulcan Centaur rocket – in this episode I talk about WHY this was such an important milestone and about the current state of the launch industry where SpaceX is the only compa…

AVFTCN 033 – Kiwix, Meshtastic and content and connectivity during an outage

Tonight here in northwestern Vermont we’re supposed to get the double trouble of heavy, wet snow and a windstorm with winds up to 49 mph (79 kph). The combination will undoubtedly cause trees to fall, taking down power and Internet cables. Forecasters are expecting power outages all across the state. In these moments, I often […]

The Joys Of Being Your Own IT Department – And Of DNS and RSS

Tonight I was looking at my aggregation site and I was confused… why were my posts from my site NOT appearing in the master list? I *knew* I had written there. Of course my initial thought was some problem with the RSS feed. Yep! On I’m using the older FeedWordPress plugin for WordPress that does RSS syndication. A quick look told me that the feed it was supposed to be pulling in was: Except… that was showing up as invalid XML. 🤷‍♂️ After some trial and error, I discovered that… I need to drop the “www”…