Video Interview: Olaf Kolkman at WSIS Forum Discussing Collaborative Security and more…

What is Collaborative Security all about?  How does it make the Internet more secure and trusted?  What is the role for regular users in making the Internet more secure?  Do people really care about Internet security?

At the 2015 WSIS Forum this week in Geneva, our CITO Olaf Kolkman was interviewed about these topics:

If you’d like to learn more please visit:

Dan York

The 3 Critical Elements To Getting Your Blog Post Noticed

What do you need to do to get your blog post noticed? When we are drowning in a sea of content, how can you make your post stand out? How can you maximize the chances that people will actually find…

TDYR 249 – 3 Critical Steps To Help Your Blog Posts or Articles Be Noticed

What do you need to do to get your blog post noticed? When we are drowning in a sea of content, how can you make your post stand out? How can you maximize the chances that people will actually find your blog post, read it and then hopefully share it?

Watch Live Thurs 28 March: The Way Forward for the WSIS+10 Review Process (Featured Blog)

Would you like to learn more about what the WSIS+10 Review process is all about? How can you participate in the process if you are not with a government? What is “WSIS” all about anyway — and why should you care? Those questions and more will be part …

Watch Live Thurs 28 March: The way forward for the WSIS+10 review process (Featured Blog)


TDYR 248 – Mary Meeker’s 2015 Internet Trends Report Is Out Today

Every year KPCB’s Mary Meeker releases an “Internet Trends” report chock full of statistics, charts and graphs about trends in Internet usage, apps, demographics and so, so much more… you can see it all at:

#809: Amtrak, Thomas Cook failures in communication and leadership

Tales of failure in communication and leadership: Amtrak in the wake of the deadly Philadelphia derailment, how Thomas Cook turned a Greek holiday tragedy into a business crisis; and more…
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The post #809: Amtrak, Thomas Cook failures in communication and leadership appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

The Scourge of Cancer Strikes More People I Know

I haven’t written about our journey with cancer for a while because my wife’s own journey has been one of the ongoing tedium of Tamoxifen … another day, another pill… and more fatigue, joint pain and so many more issues. It is, though, unfortunately our "new normal" … and will be for at least two more years of Tamoxifen. We just try to keep on going through it… But in truth, it’s been a rough period of time for us since I last wrote in July 2014 in regard to cancer around us. A brother-in-law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer…

WebRTCHacks Publishes Analysis of Facebook and WhatsApp Usage of WebRTC

The team over at webrtcH4cKS (aka "WebRTCHacks") have been publishing some great articles about WebRTC for a while now, and I thought I’d point to two in particular worth a read. Philipp Hancke has started a series of posts examining…

The Scourge Of Cancer Strikes More People I Know

The Scourge Of Cancer Strikes More People I Know by Dan York