“Because IPv6 support is so critical to ensuring your applications work across the world for every customer, we are making it an AppStore submission requirement, starting with iOS 9.” With those words, Sebastien Marineau, Apple’s VP of Core OS, gave a huge boost to IPv6 developer support in Apple’s WWDC Platform State Of The Union Read more…
Jun 09
Will iOS 9 Make My iPad2 Usable Again?
I have one very simple question amidst all the media hype about Apple’s WWDC announcements yesterday: Will iOS 9 make my iPad2 usable again? Yes, all that other stuff announced yesterday sounds cool… but I have this more basic question….
Jun 08
The Hobson & Holtz Report #811: The State of Internal Communication
All Things IC host Rachel Miller joins Shel Holtz as guest co-host to discuss the state of internal communication, why conference panels should be more inclusive, Social Media Examiner’s 2015 Social Media Marketing Report, BBC’s accidental tweet about the Queen’s health during an “obituary rehearsal,” JPMorgan’s decision to phase out voicemail, unsavory communication after a theme park accident, and the US FTC’s announcement that it will hold publishers accountable for deceptive native advertising.
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Jun 06
Celebrating The 3rd “Launchiversary” Of World IPv6 Launch
Three years ago today, on June 6, 2012, the Internet fundamentally changed as IPv6 became “the new normal” for thousands of websites, hundreds of Internet service providers, many device manufacturers and in so many other systems and services. This was all part of “World IPv6 Launch” where all those participants came together to permanently enable Read more…
Jun 05
TDYR 250: Reflections on EuroDIG 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria
I attended my first European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) in Sofia, Bulgaria, this week. In this episode, I talk all about what went on there… more info can be found at:
Jun 04
EuroDIG Sessions on Friday, June 5, about Cybersecurity, Network Neutrality, IANA, Access and More (Featured Blog)
What do Europeans interested in Internet policy think about cybersecurity, network neutrality, IANA, improving Internet access and other topics? Tomorrow the second day of the European Dialog on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria, wi…
Jun 04
How Did Estonia Grow From Near 0% IPv6 To 8% In 7 Months?
How did the country of Estonia grow from close to 0% IPv6 deployment to almost 8% in about 7 months? What did the network operators there do? By way of a tweet today we learned that RIPE Labs published this great IPv6 case study about the Estonian growth. The story also includes this impressive chart Read more…
Jun 01
The Hobson & Holtz Report #810: The deepening FIFA scandal, sponsors, and reputation
Quick News: Who are Twitter’s verified users?, couple live-Periscope their wedding, the new Ice Bucket challenge: Hold a Coke between your boobs, Ford launches pay-per-minute GoDrive car sharing service in London; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop;
News That Fits: The deepening FIFA scandal: are the sponsors key to getting the Beautiful Game back?; a look at Mary Meeker’s 2015 State of the Internet report; listener comments in audio and from the FIR Podcast Community on Google+; global newspaper readership falls more than 25% in four years says study; Igloo Software promo; Dan York’s Tech Report: on the road to Bulgaria, the critical elements to getting your blog post noticed; the past week on the FIR Podcast Network…
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Jun 01
IPv6 for ISPs: State of deployment and lessons learned – Slides and Video from RIPE70
What is the state of IPv6 deployment within Internet Service Providers (ISPs)? What lessons can be learned from recent deployments? At the recent RIPE 70 conference, Aaron Hughes gave a great overview of the current state and lessons that can be learned. His slides are available as PDF: The video is also available from the Read more…
Jun 01
Internet Society At EuroDIG 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria, this week: network neutrality, cybersecurity, improving access and more…
How do we ensure an open, trusted Internet across all of Europe? How can we help all countries across Europe realize the full opportunities provided by the Internet? What do we need to do to improve the overall security of the Internet? And what kind of regulations and policies would best support the ongoing growth enabled by the Internet?